Friday, July 27, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
expired updates: Kyou Kara Maou!
whoots, i kinda realised as i was reading my past entries that i didn't really get down to introducing Kyou Kara Maou properly. hmph, that's a bad thing. haha, though the storyline is so crappy, that well, there's not much to say. bahhss...rights.
Kyou Kara Maou, is about Shibuya Yuuri, aka Harajuku Furi. who saw his classmate, Murata Ken being bullied. he kinda helped out and in the end, he was bullied. ehhs, e bad guys dragged him to a female toilet, and he got flushed down the toilet bowl. literally.
he finds himself in a field of flowers, which was nothing like the toilet he was in. then he meets people. then he meets CONRAD!!!! on a horse!!!! maus!!! yeah, well, blah. next he meets Gunter, purple-haired bishie. then he finds out that he's the KING of Shin-Makoku. btw, that's the name of the country he's in.
he gets escorted back to the Blood Pledge Castle, and meets his soon-to-be fiancee, Wolfram. who happens to be, a guy. no correction. a BI-SHOU-NEN. pretty boy. yeah. ehhs, sooner or later, he gets the Maken, Morgif, his sword, which happens to be a weird looking sword that makes funny noises.
i kinda should stop here, coz if i go on any further, it'll be considered spoilers, and KKM has so little to spoil as it yupps, go watch/read synopses if you're lazy. but trust me, it doesn't take much brain juice to watch it.
ehhs, on a side note, the seiyuu, or voice actor for Yuuri, has also voiced the following characters: Kanda Yuu from D.Gray Man, Cloud Strife for FFVII, Yamazaki Susumu for Peacemaker Kurogane, Sasame for Pretear, Haruka for Tactics, and Morgif in Kyou Kara Maou. hehs, i jus can't imagine...Morgif and Kanda...hmms...
whoots, and well, Conrad's seiyuu, voiced Tyki Mikk in D.Gray Man, Tatsumi in Yami no Matsuei, Sephiroth in FFVII, Naraku in Inuyasha and Kimimaro in Naruto.
Wolfram's seiyuu did...Devito in D.Gray Man, Makubex in Getbackers, Okita Souji in Peacemaker Kurogane and Maria Ross in Full Metal Alchemist...ehhs, for Gunter, he did Kakashi in Naruto, Aion in Chrno Crusade and Hatori in Fruits Basket.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
50 plus days till the end of this term!
hahhss...50 days seems sooooo far away...i highly doubt if i can get through in one piece. haiz, now that my life is in boxes, and the new house doesn't look as though it's going to finish anytime soon, i'm missing many things. baaahhs, my manga and anime are packed into boxes, my books are in boxes, so now i stare at the wall in my free time. hah. how fun is that. and the worse it probably that i've lost my to make cosplay costume for racial harmony day without cloth? bahhs, rights, ignore the rants and the crappy grammar. i shall try to review stuff now.
ehhs. everyone should know about the live earth concert rights? if u dun know, which dwarf planet have you been living on??!! anyways, Abington Boys' School performed at the concert!!! whee, and for those who have no idea who Abington Boys' School is, you really need to start refreshing your information, coz they have people from T.M. Revolution. if you dun know who TMR is, then *bang*. well, TMR sang INVOKE, Ignited, Thunderbird, vestige and METEOR for Gundam SEED/Destiny, ABS sang Innocent Sorrow for D.Gray Man and Howling for Darker than BLACK. so yeah, they've been in the market for quite some time already. hehs, anyways, jus go watch their concert on i think that's the address.
rights, updates on manga. ehhs, Tsuki no Shippo. it looked rather dumb and pointless at first, but now the storyline is getting interesting. i guess the first part was mainly for introduction and the setting of the scene for the main story. i have to say that the bishies are really quite cool and droolable, though can u imagine that the guys actually look prettier than the main female character? baahs, and that guy happens to be the bishie both taicho and me crush. ahaha. wells, he is cool but a little...oh never mind.
updates on anime...ehhs, i've been watching MONSTER for quite some time, and it's a really cool show. fine, the art isn't like whoa, but the art style fits in perfectly with the theme and mood of the story coz it's like a rather dark anime, so there's isn't much colour or happiness in the show. for those who don't want spoilers on the plot, dun highlight the following text. SPOILER ALERT:
arhhs, the main character is this neurosurgeon Tenma, who's life is rather perfect coz he's the favourite 'pet' of the director of the hospital, and since he's a genius neurosurgeon, he's soon on the road to success as he engaged to the daughter of the hospital director, and soon due for a promotion. however, while he was about to operate on a boy who had been shot in the head, the director ordered him to operate on the mayor, who had promised to grant the hospital huge subsidies if the operation succeed. Tenma hesitated on this, and decided to operate first on the boy as he had entered the operating theatre first. as a result of this, the boy miraculously survived but the mayor died. the blame was pushed onto Tenma, and in one day, his life turned upside down. his fiancee ditched him, and he was passed over for a promotion. however, the boy he had saved disappeared from the hospital with his twin sister. that night, the hospital director, the chief surgeon and others who had stood in the way of Tenma were murdered with poison sweets. Tenma managed to regain his position in the hospital once again, being promoted to the position of Chief Surgeon.
though nobody could solve the murders, the Inspector suspected Tenma as he was the only person who benefited from the murders. Nine years later, the boy Tenma operated on a murderer and a monster. Tenma resolved to kill this monster which he himself had saved. it turns out that this little boy had led a 'revolution' at the age of yeah, that's as far as i got. hah, go watch, it's quite cool, though it somehow reminds me of psychopaths, or ppl like Hitler...
arghs, i have some other manga to introduce, but i can't remember the english name so aiyah, next time lah. =) jya. ganbatte for the exams. =)