rawr. freaking worm and insects. today was a rainy day for pesta again. pfft. halfway through the competition, the skies opened the floodgates on us. dang. it rained for more than 45 mins can. and it was heavy rain. zzzz. wtf. the entire field i was standing on was practically flooding. i was just wondering if i should shift to another spot just in case the worms decide to use me as a dry island for shelter... just as i was thinking back on the earthworm incident that just happened two three days ago, one of the archers suddenly pointed to my shoe with a shocked expression.
i looked down. and screamed.
argh, there was a centipede climbing on my shoe!!! rawr. lolz. yeah, i practically deafened all the people who were hiding in the tent. laugh die. but seriously it was gross. the entire field was overcrawling with centipedes *shudders* argh. well, not to mention that the rain made the field so muddy, it was like walking on sludge. urgh. yeah...lucky i have more than one pair of shoes, lolz. but no diff anw, coz tomorrow will rain. i bet all my money on that. it will rain tomorrow! laugh die. yar, sho there goes 2 pairs of shoes. lucky it's e sept hols. o~~~hohoho. kks, i go study edi. chiaoz~
Saturday, August 30, 2008
another wormy day
flowers, are for cleansing the soul
laugh die. sorry, i was trying to quote from Gwendal, and failed horribly. pffft. yar, folding roses surprisingly...feels very stress-relieving. laugh die. *shrugs* the next you're going to see me write is..."puppets are for cleansing the soul" pffft. yupps anw, just ranting coz i'm up at 6 plus on a saturday and i cant get back to sleep. *bloodshot eyes shoot out behind a veil of hair* jus kidding lolz. hmm maybe i shldnt phrase it that way...kinda scary now that it's e chinese 7th month huh. *shudders*
haha since i just realised that my laogong still reads my blog, i shall post a nice dedication to her here. =P laogong worh~~~ *feels goosebumps rising on your skin* haha thanks for bringing me down to Arab street and Bras Besar (sp?) worh~ haahaha you know ur laopo will end up in JB if you didnt bring me there right? lolz sho sweet of you worh~ i'm sho treating you to lunch sometime =P haha *stuffs mochi into mouth to prevent objections* hahaha somemore i wasted your one day worth of time worh, when you could have been sleeping at home *faces wall to repent* rawr. so that's that hahahhaha i'm treating you =P *stuffs more mochi in mouth* thank you nya~ XDDDDD and as promised haha i'll post those "unglam" shots on facebook. laugh die. and jiayou for promos mugging worh~ *huggles* eh i ish no les can, i ish gay. laugh die. haha at least people don't know your identity worh lolz. if not there goes your reputation. wait, you had a reputation to begin with? *runs off* hahahha see you in school nya~ XDDDDD
sho yepps. haha, i ish have a nice laogong. jealous issit =P laugh die.
*rummages through brain for post material* hmm not much i have to say, since it's only been a short time since i last posted...hmm...oh yar anyone who wants fluffy stuff (eg. furry stuff) can ask me to make worh. i've got 3m worth of fur. and i dont think i'll even use up half of it. #$%#%pw$%^## lolz. sho yar, anyone who wants furry armguards (watever for?) or furry handphone pouches etc etc. just ask nicely yar. haha, i may not charge you for it. *laugh die* but dont ask the impossible and request for a sweater lah hor. i'll wallop you. lolz. hai~ jya~ nth more for me to say hahaha, so i shant continue with an empty brain. =P
off to mug for promos~ jya ne! good luck to all who are mugging, if you are mugging in the first place. XDDDDD
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
a wormy day
argh. just the title alone gives me the goosebumps. pfffft. maybe i should recount the events of the whole day. lol.
kay lah, the early morning was great. basically coz i woke up early. so no rush. jus stroll around and yeah. happy! haha. lessons were okay too, i could do e questions blah blah. lunch was fun, food at RI was good. chem test was bad, coz i fell asleep lolz. seriously, lecture tests are badddd coz i always fall asleep during lecture tests. pffft. kay lah, then school ended. and the bad luck began. *cues sound of impending doom*
well, it was pouring, not that it should matter since there's a covered walkway behind the school that leads to a bus-stop. so i took that walkway, just like many others would have. well, only my shoes got wet, coz Singapore just floods, walkways are forever flooded. pffft. the next thing i knew, a taxi (comfort cab by the way) ZOOMED by, on the LEFT bloody lane. and guess wad. since Singapore's always flooded (so are the roads) the water in the puddle splashed up. hola. and who was walking on the pavement? me. hola. #$%@#$ and you know wad? that happened. three. bloody. times. *censors swear word* so wad was the point of me walking on the sheltered walkway? i could just have walked in the rain and there wont be a diff. pfffft. that's not all kay. in the half an hour i stood at that bus-stop waiting. many other people walked the same way. but NONE. grab this. NONE of them had e same thing happening to them. wtf. lolz. i know you're laughing. *smacks* pffft. i guess this is called bad luck lah. *shrugs* but that's just the start of it.
coz it was raining so heavily when i reached yishun, i decided to eat my lunch at sunplaza instead, and wait out the rain. lol. after lunch the skies cleared quite nicely, so i walked home from sunplaza, cutting through the estate that i usually walk through XD cause the rain just ended, the way home was nice and quiet, actually i was the only person walking through. laugh die. sho very nice to emo worh. hahahahahha. the worst thing. was when i crossed the road. the big big road after the big field. the whole pavement, was as usual. flooded. so i stared abit harder to figure out if there're any dry bumps i can step on, cause seriously, my feet were starting to bloat in my shoes after being soaked for like 2 hours. the gross part comes now. when i stared at the flooded pavement, something in the water moved. MOVED okay. then more and more started MOVING. bloody hell the ENTIRE PAVEMENT WAS SWIMMING WITH EARTHWORMS! *censors out string of curse words* my freaking goodness! i swear those earthworms were longer than my ruler can. *shudders* the entire stretch of pavement was literally swimming with earthworms, cause their field was flooded, so they swam out onto the flooded pavement. and they were huge. and bleached. i guess coz they've been soaking in the water for too long. but there were so many of them, i really couldn't bring myself to walk on that pavement coz i know i'd step on some of them. freaking gross. pffft.
so guess what, i crossed back to the other side of the road and walked along that pavement. then arh. when i was walking arh, i looked down. and saw something next to my shoe move. damn it. i looked a little further. the freaking entire pavement was swimming. with. baby. earthworms. *censors string of curse words* wtf lah. i ran back to the traffic light and just stood there. lolz. one side of the road, giant daddy-mummy earthworms. the other side of the road, hundreds of squirming baby earthworms. just great. where the hell do i walk? i took my chances. i ran, or literally bounced down the stretch with the baby earthworms, half-screaming as i ran along. *squirms* yucks. uber gross. zzz it still gives me goosebumps to think of how many earthworms i squashed under my shoe. urgh. freaking gross. haiz. yarr...basically that was it. *shudders*
not to mention that my phone line is still down, even though i called up the service provider, and they told me that they'll reset my line. *Shrugs* i guess i could do without at phoneline. just that whoever needs to contact me cant reach me. *shrugs* none of my business *runs off* o~~~hoho anna shall be uncontactable *gloats*
jya ne~ have fun mugging for promos ppl. we will survive! and yar, take care of your health worh. everyone's falling sick. *bites the flu bug*
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More Photos from Thailand Princess Cup!
haha sorry lah, i know i'm lame lolz~ but these photos are nicer worh haha, just koped from Lionel's/Teresa's camera haha! of course credit for these photos go to Teresa/Lionel! XDDD haha, on to the photos~
haha, on the first day of our competition XD the whole team is here worh, except for Teresa who's taking the photo (sorry!) all up bright and sunny (no lorh, some ppl still sleeping de *points to self*)
only the girls haha! see, i still look like i'm sleeping =P seriously, if i look awake, it's coz of the colour of the shirt, i assure you. haha =P
zomg! so many bows around! someone call the security!!! *whacks head with baton* of course there're many bows...it's an archery competition for a reason...lolz
haha, we thought e bear-bear hanging off the bow stand was super cute! but it wont last a day in an outdoor competition haha. tt's why it's here at an indoor competition mah! *whacks self* zzz i'm really lame haha. anw yarrr i wanted to catch some of e more interesting bows/accessories hanging off some archers, like little "pompoms" hanging off the bow string for the traditional bow...BUT i didnt bring my camera to Thailand, and snapping picts of others discreetly...would make me a stalker right? =P so yupps haha, i'll be a stalker in Thailand Princess Cup 2010 then =P then more photos of those cute/interesting/funny stuff will be posted! till then! =P
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Milestones of Year 2008 and 2009
13th January: return to Sembawang Archery Club after 2 years (?) of hiatus. laugh die.
18th May: =P start of prep for Sembawang Open
24th & 25th May: SEMBWANG OPEN~~~
21st June: SAFRA Open (Tamp)
18th to 21st July: Thailand Princess Cup~~~
31st July: mau~running around Chinatown lolz
3rd August: =P
18th August: lolz! dgpqrm igqqs! =P cannot understand then too bad *gloats*
19th August: phototaking laugh die~
20th August: haha lunch dinner and coffee~~~ i lubbs mocha!!! Dmpr Ayllgle! XDDD haha OTL withdrawal symptoms le haha
30th August: XDDDDD
22nd September: *tears hair out*
20th May 2009: XDDDDD
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hajimari no Kaze (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
the opening song for Saiunkoku Mongatari~ nice song, quite sweet but not too sweet...and well, it reminds you of the anime when u hear it ^^ haha as usual, jap lyrics first, followed by english translation at the bottom XDDDD
Song Title: Hajimari no Kaze
by: Hirahara Ayaka
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Itsu demo anata wo
Shinjite iru kara"
Ano toki, yume ni mite ita
Sekai ni tatte iru noni
Miwatasu keshiki ni ashi wo
Sukoshi sukumase
Dakedo ushiro furimukanaide
Aruite yuku koto kimeta kara
Miageta sora nanairo no niji
Anata mo mitemasu ka
Hajimari no kaze yo
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Yume ni kakedashita
Senaka mimamoru kara"
Omoi wo tsutaete
"Itsu demo anata wo
Shijite iru kara"
Habatake mirai e
Tatoeba, taisetsu na hito wo
Mune ni omou toki wa
Daremo ga kitto yasashii
Kao wo shiteru hazu
Michi wa toki ni hateshinakutemo
Akiramezu ni yuku yo
Hajimari no kaze yo
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Haruka na tabiji no
Sono saki de matteru"
Maiagaru kaze yo
Unmei mo koete
Negai wa todoku to
Shinjirareru kara
Itsuka mata aeta nara
Ano egao misete
Hajimari no kaze yo
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Haruka na tabiji no
Sono saki de matteru"
Maiagaru kaze yo
Unmei mo koete
Negai wo todoku to
Shinjirareru kara
Osoreru mono nado nai
"Anata ga iru kara"
English Translation:
Wind of beginnings
Deliver this message:
"Because I will always believe in you"
That time I was standing in a world I saw in my dreams
Surveying the landscape, my legs tremble slightly
But I won't look back, because I've decided to walk forward
Looking up at the seven-coloured rainbow in the sky, do you see it too?
Wind of beginnings,
Deliver this message
"Because I will watch your back as you run towards your dreams"
Soaring wind, deliver this thought:
"Because I will always believe in you"
Fluttering towards the future
For example, when a person thinks about the one important to them
Surely they will have a kind look on their face
The road through time is endless, move forward and don't give up
Wind of beginnings
Deliver this message:
"At the end of your faraway journey, I will wait for you"
Soaring wind, exceed your destiny
Because I believe my wish will be delivered
If I meet you again someday, show me your smile
Wind of beginnings,
Deliver this message:
"At the end of your faraway journey, I will wait for you"
Soaring wind, exceed your destiny
Because I believe my wish will be delivered
There is nothing to be afraid of, "because you exist"
okaaay, the eng translations make the song sound...cheesy...pffffft =_= *mumbles* lolz but either way, it's a nice song worh haha. just that spamming it for 3 seasons non-stop is abit too much...even Kyou Kara Maou changed opening song after 2 season...haha oh well...hard to find a song that describes Saiunkoku as well as this one does bah...*shrugs* XDDD
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Genesis of Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
haha here's the english version of the song i posted two posts down. =P yesh i like it that much, cannot issit?! *bites* lolz, anw, yeah it's apparently quite a big thing in Japan, coz even the 3 kids that came for homestay recognised it (based on the fact that they DON'T know who T.M.Revolution is, for them to know and sing this song, i'm assuming that it's famous =P) if i didn't hear wrongly, one of them said that this song is played in Pachinko stores...O_o lolz. anw yupps haha, it's sung by the original singer AKINO, and i have to say, i applaud her for a wonderful job done at singing english XD you can actually make out the words worh XD lolz anw i post the song first before i KO from my cough mixture haha
oh yar the first stanza is in jap, so the translation for that is in the brackets XD
Song Title: Genesis of Aquarion
by: AKINO and bless4
Kimi ga kurikaeshi otona ni natte
Nando mo nando mo tooku e itte
Mimamoru boku ga nemurenai boku ga
Kusha kusha ni natta to shite mo
Kimi no na wo utau tame ni...
(You grow up repeatedly and
Go into the distance over and over again
Watching over you, unable to sleep, even though I became disheveled
For the sake of singing your name...)
I remember sitting with you
Underneath the tree of life
We listened to every fainted cry
Of the creatures there on the day the world began
Looking at everything that I've lost
And almost everything that I've loved
I'll hold them all tightly in my arms,
Wondering where I am, so please tell me where to go
All of the answers u seek lie hidden in the sun
If i hadn't met you my life would have been in the darkness forever
In my wings are the powers of immortality
Buy by meeting you my whole life has changed
You give light to me, hope to me, strength into my life
All this time these twelve thousand years I know AISHITERU
Eight thousand years from the time that I've met you my love grows stronger than ever before
Words can't say of this time I've been waiting to share my love with you
I'd give you my life, I would give you the world to see you smiling every day
One hundred million and two thousand years from now AISHITERU
I want you to know since u came in my life every day, every night you give light into the darkest skies
All these twelve thousand years
I've been loving you
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tower of Druaga
now this is a first. for the first time ever...i watch a show, and go "...wtf" within the first 10min of the show. the first episode of Tower of Druaga is a complete "wtf" episode lol. at first i thought it was a joke...but a 20min long joke is taking things wayyy too far...and btw, the idea of "oh it was a dream" is just so overused, it isnt even funny anymore...
lolz i dunno how the rest of the series will turn out...but jus after the first episode...i dun feel like watching it anymore...the only reason why i'm following would be because of Ishida Akira's role in the show. and the character had better not die. or i'd curse lolz. see how bah...for now...zzz i cant stand the concept. it's wayy too cheesey haha...even Gundam SEED Destiny started out better than this...as much as i'd hate to say that...lol
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Sousei no Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
this song is from Genesis of Aquarion, and sung by AKINO XD the lyrics and translation are below~~~ it's quite a romantic (?) song lolz, i personally find it touching for some reason or so =P cannot issit? lolz somehow it feels a little emo here and there too haha XD as usual, translations are below =P
Song Title: Sousei no Aquarion
Sekai no hajimari no hi
Inochi no ki no shita de
Kujiratachi no koe no tooi zankyou
Futari de kiita
Nakushita mono subete
Aishita mono subete
Kono te ni dakishimete
Ima wa doko wo samayoi iku no
Kotae no hisomu kohaku no taiyou
Deawanakereba Satsuriku no tenshi de irareta
Fushi naru matataki motsu tamashii
Kizutsukanaide Boku no hane
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nissen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi wo shitta sono ni kara boku no chigoku ni ongaku wa taenai
Sekai wa owaru mae ni
Inochi ga owaru nae ni
Nemuru nageki hodoite
Kimi no kaori dakishimetai yo
Mimi sumaseta wadatsumi no kioku
Shitsui ni nomare tachitsukusu uruwashiki tsuki
Yomigaere towa ni karenu hikari
Yogawarenaide kimi no yume inori yadoshi nagara umarete kita
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nisen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi wo shitta sono hi kara boku no chigoku ni ongaku wa taenai
Kimi ga kurikaeshi otona ni natte
Nando mo nando mo tooku e itte
Mimamoru boku ga nemurenai boku ga
Kusha kusha ni natta to shite mo
Kimi no na wo utau tame ni...
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nisen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi no shitta sono hi kara
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nisen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi wo shitta sono hi kara boku no chigoku ni ongaku wa taenai
English Translation:
On the day the world began
Under the tree of life
The two of us heard
The faraway echoes of the whales' voices
All the things that I lost
All the things that I loved
Embracing them in this hand
Where will I wander to now?
The amber sun in which the answer lurks
If we hadn't met
I would have remained an angel of massacre
A soul that holds the sparkle of immortality
Don't hurt my wings
I was born to know this feeling
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you, music won't cease in this hell of mine
Before the world ends
Before life ends
I want to undo this sleeping grief
And embrace your scent
Memories of the sea god, which i carefully listened to
The beautiful moon, swallowed by despair and standing still
Arise, light that dried up in eternity
Don't get soiled
Your dreams
I was born while dwelling in a prayer
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you, music won't cease in this hell of mine
You grow up repeatedly and
Go into the distance over and over again
Watching over you, unable to sleep, even though I became disheveled
For the sake of singing your name...
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you, music won't cease in this hell of mine
haha pretty sweet in my opinion, which is why i've been spamming this song non-stop for the past few days haha XD the english version of it is rather sweet too, though the lyrics follow the jap meaning quite well haha. i'll post the english version in another post bah lol this one's a bit too long already XD