oh my blardy freaking goodness. they are showing SKIP BEAT on OKTO! *falls to hell in despair* nooooooooooooooooo SKIP BEATTTTT *sobs* why have you been mutilated sooooo how could they...show Skip Beat on the equivalent of Kids Central...now xiao mei meis will go round proclaiming their otaku status and worse...Skip Beat MAY be American-ised! nooooooooo. oh, on a side note, Gundam 00 is on OKTO too. dang. one day Skip Beat will have Wolverine in it. *falls deeper than hell*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
are joo lost?
some stuff anna found out today when she lost her way (yesh again, for the blardy goodness-knows-how-many-th time). well that's not exactly true. she didnt remain lost for the whole time, she managed to recover her way (eventually). some tips that she'll like to share (listen and heed only if you're as hopeless at directions as she is, if not keep to your own way and you'll be safer yo)
1. Always. Always. Always, remember where you started from.
if you take public transport ie MRT. good for you. rights. say you forgot which way to walk from the MRT station, and say you still can't remember the way to walk after standing at the exit of the station gaping into the air in front of you, then how? you walk in a straight line.
2. Always walk in a STRAIGHT line. or a general straight-line direction.
one thing good about that, you'll always be able to find your way BACK. if liddat also cannot find your way back, then you better not got out alone. usually, after walking in a straight line, you might bump into something familiar or some landmark you might recognise, if so, good for you. if not, bad for you. nothing else to add.
3. Always trust your instincts.
never ever doubt your instincts. i did so today, and one helluva mistake was that. i shan't elaborate. if your instincts don't work, then close your eyes and walk. your instincts will start working and lead you on auto-pilot. if all of the above fails, then how? refer to point number 1.
4. Walk back to where you started from (which should be somewhat easy unless you didn't follow my instructions.)
one good thing about walking back to the start point, at least you're somewhere where you can
a) call some good friend who has a better/good direction sense for help (eg my laogong).
b) start wailing and some kind passerby may offer a helping hand.
c) bug the station control people for directions (which by right you should have done from the start but if you're like me, you wouldn't have)
d) go home and try again another day after you've checked the street directory.
note that these tips only apply if you're a greater road-idiot than anna is. if not, stick to your own way. it'd be safer for you. toodaloo.
Monday, November 17, 2008
quotes of the day~ from Kuroshitsuji
"At this moment, my body and soul, to the last hair, belong to my master."
Sebastian in Kuroshitusji
a truly yaoi fangirl-worthy moment~~~
"May I have the honour of this dance, my Lord?"
Sebastian to Ciel in Kuroshitsuji
a drool-able moment~
"It's coming out~~~"
Ciel in Kuroshitsuji (with Ciel propped up against the wall, sweating, and screaming in delight/supposed agony. oh, did i mention shirt-less? when Sebastian was tightening his corset for him...or whatever the imaginative yaoi-fangirl can think of =P *nosebleeds*)
yaoi fangirl heaven.
quote my laogong: "They KNOW they have yaoi fangirls watching this show. They KNOW."
*nods* yesh indeed, of course they know. and they deliver XD this is called fan-service yo.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Each blade of grass has its spot on earth whence it draws its life, its strength; and so is man rooted to the land from which he draws his faith together with his life. – Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Publicity for Sembawang Archery Blog
oi people arh, actually i don't think anyone from SAC reads my blog but heck. to whom it may concern, go roll over and read the SAC blog. Lionel is getting uber hyper over there but no one's reading the blog. it is under-utilised. lolz~ but he complain no one read sia, so i nice enough to post an advertisement here on my blog (though seriously, i think my blog is quite ulu also lah laugh die) anw yar. go see. add to the visitor count yo lolz. *kicks* go lah! XDDDDD personally, i find it quite funny to see his blog posts sho hyper laugh die XDDDD
photos post~
photos from previous posts. finally got off my lazy butt to get em out of my phone memory card haha. but anw they're up! XD toodaloo~

Edamame beans from Sakae Sushi~ the sushi outing we had haha~ courtesy of Arias, who kindly squeezed out all the beans for me~ ^^

Arias and Peiting, and one kaypoh guy at the back =.= good food, good friends all that's lacking ish good alcohol =P


SHO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *fangirls* too bad it's not sticking out its cute little forked tongue~ rawr~ kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii XDDDDDDDDD
Sunday, November 09, 2008
on the 8th & 9th of Nov...
anna ish one happy girl~ there are 6 reasons why~
3. she has $50 extra in her cashcard, courtesy of dad who kindly got tricked into topping it up, thinking it was mum's card ^^*V* kudos to him~ haha, she offered a bite of my wonderful ice-cream, but he declined, so she gave him she beef during dinner =P
4. she has finally figured out what to do with her balcony which has basically been left to rot ever since she moved into her room. now she has decided to use it to sun-dry her towels and clothes. in other words, her room is turning into a dormitory. how...exciting.
5. her mum has kindly agreed to buy her a metal bow, though she thinks mummy only agreed coz mummy doesn't know the price of a metal bow with all the add-ons included in. laugh die. oh well, she'll get her limbs from grandpa and grandma, riser from daddy and mummy, stabilizer from uncle fabs, sight from...etc. well, you get the idea. kind donations from various people would most probably make up her bow. ^^*V* "on the first day of Christmas my parents gave to me~ a riser with a clicker~ on the second day of Christmas my uncle gave to me~ a sight and a T-square~ etc."
6. she has finally figured out what present to get. amazingly, she has successfully bought it without too much delay haha. it will now reach its destination on time without a certain someone having to freeze. ^^
one observation which has amused her greatly is this: while Listerine is supposed to help you combat plague and gum infections, it attracts ants. *raises eyebrows* how can something which combats tooth decay attract ants? how intriguing ^^
another photo from e wedding dinner on Sunday, two great snapshots of my sis. laugh die. enjoy~
lolz, Beatrice got so tired and bored while eating dinner that she...well decided to sleep. haha~
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
i love bats~and a snake~
woots~~~ PW IS OVERRRR *throws confetti* *pops champagne* *unearths anime* hallelujah~! XDDDDD anna ish a happy girl~ lolz. people reading my blog must think i'm some schizo or mad person haha. too bad~ today ish the Ultimate Attack day! remember the bishie from Gundam 00? Allelujah Haptism and his split personality Hallelujah Haptism. lolz. some joke my laogong told me popped into my head. it goes smt like this: "i show my left eye (Allelujah), i am zai. i show my right eye (Hallelujah), i own. my ultimate attack, i show both eyes!" kay, for those who didnt understand, dont bother. jus another mad moment of mine. which are getting a little too frequent. lolz~
ANYWAY~ PW officially ends today~~~ haha! pats to my group mates who slogged their guts out~ enjoy the hols yar~ XDDDDD
and yupps. the title isnt wrong. i do love bats~ they're freaking cute! and i mean it. for those who think i'm weird, join the club, there's a waiting list though. lolz~ if you hate bats or if you're scared of them, i'd recommend watching Jeff Corwin. there's this episode in which he rescues a bat with an injured wing. my gosh, the bat looks exactly like a dog with wings! actually i think it looked like a Chihuahua, especially so coz of its long snout and big round eyes. bats arent harmful to humans at all, most of em jus eat fruits. Vampire bats are only going to be a threat to you if you're a cow or something. they never consume human blood haha. and those scary photos with them baring their teeth? go find a picture of a Pit-bull. i'm sure the latter is scarier. they dont fly into your face either. unless they're deaf, which doesnt happen too often. so to those who associate bats with vampires, think of the vampire as a bishie, then the bat will be just a cute doggy like Riiya. XDDDDD
haha. anw yar, i used to be freaked out by bats, coz one flew in to my grandparents' house when i was about 4 or 5, and i remembered quite a panic in the house since my grandparents were running around chasing some black shadow. they told me the next day that a Flying Fox flew in through the window and i got freaked out, coz i thought the bat was a fox with wings, and that would make it a very very big bat. (must understand that at that age, most things seemed huge to you lolz). anw yar, i was scared that it would fly back in and carry me away to eat or smt (watch too much fantasy shows edi).
it wasnt until recent years that i started liking bats. first was the Jeff Corwin episode, and that showed how tame bats can be~ also showed how cute they really are <3 it was jus hugging onto to Jeff Corwin and drinking milk from a bottle! *squeals* ahem anw yar, not too long after that, i was pulling out the weeds in the garden of my old house (before renovation that is) when i happened to look up at this Champak tree (a fragrant flower often used by Indians in their oil/flower garlands in case you're wondering) in my garden. i stared for a while. then ran off screaming in glee. there was this hollow in the foliage of the tree, making it look like somewhat a cave in the tree crown. and there, lo and behold, roosted a family of bats~ <3 anna was a happy girl then~ haha. i used to sit below that hollow in the tree and stare at the bats. cant remember if i managed to take any photos of them anot, i'll try to dig lolz. then when that tree was cut down for the construction of this house, i was pretty sad, coz i thought they bats would never come back, like that little owl that used to sit on the road sign outside our house. it was an adorable owl by the way, snow white in colour and no bigger than the letter it was perched on top of. <3 BUT! last week, i stood at the stairwell outside my room and i HAPPENED to look out to the mango tree in front of our house. there were many flying shapes darting in and out of the tree. at first i thought they were birds, then one of them flew by the lamppost. the bats were back~ haha a bigger brood this time round, and they cleared out the mangoes, much to the annoyance of my mum and uncle lolz. but anna ish once again a happy girl~ coz the bats are back~~~ <3 pity they dont live in the mango tree, if not i'd be posting snapshots by now haha. sho yupps~ when the mangoes are ripe, a whole army of bats would be flying right outside my window. and its a sight i love to see~ <3
snakes have also been old friends to occassionally visit my house. the first time i saw a snake was when i was roughly 5. or definitely before my sis was born. i was playing the garden (yesh i grew up in the garden), digging holes and plucking flowers as usual when i saw this bunch of white eggs. at first i thought they were lizard eggs, so i didnt really bother. it wasnt until a few days later that my maid started screaming about a snake in the garden that we realised they were a nest of snake eggs. haha sho cool. think my dad got rid of the eggs somehow or another, but i could i'd love to hatch those eggs. <3 imagine a whole family of snakes! XDDDDD then over the years, snakes generally caused panic in my house whenever they were spotted, mainly in drains and gardens and stuff. sadly, many of them were killed on impulse (T_T) though i doubt if any of them were venomous to begin with. but oh well, it's common error to kill a snake as soon as you see it. which is very regrettable. as luck would have it, the latest snake that wandered into our house happens to be a frequent visitor. (we deduced this from the burn scars it has due to our sprinkling of alcohol down the drain the last time we saw it). my dad managed to catch the snake alive and we kinda played with it a little. after an hour or so of research, with help from a good~ friend, the little snake has been identified as a Paradise Tree Snake.
i'll post some photos of it soon~ this post getting a little long lolz. it is venomous, and it'll kill you if you're a Gecko. lolz, if not the worst you'll get is a swollen finger. it's a really pretty snake~ <3 and surprisingly, it feels extremely soft to touch. abit like marshmallow maybe? it's not scaly at all, as i had originally thought. it was so smooth and soft it didnt feel like a snake. haha. i was shocked by it at first, coz i had just returned from archery prac on Sunday when my sis burst through the door uttering completely incoherent sentences (she does that quite abit) and my dad holding a jar while wearing gloves. i freaked out when i saw a snake was inside the jar, but after a while (quite a long while), i plucked enough courage to touch the snake, and i couldnt stop after that. it felt so vulnerable, such a small creature that really meant no harm. it was probably doing me a service by eating the lizards in my house. and to think jus a year ago, we would have killed this pretty snake without second thought. haiz. it's really cute, and apparently it likes to be pet on the head @@ haha~
snakes, like bats, are often misunderstood to be symbols of evil, bringing fear and terror whereever they go. but hey, they're really really cool animals that deserve respect too yar. imagine your entire body being a bundle of nothing but muscle, or being able to fly as a mammal. they arent simply pests to be killed at first sight ya know. of course, i'm not telling you to go kiss every single snake/bat you see, but dont start whacking it with a chair or smt. they're probably more scared of you than you are of them. jus let them quietly slither out the way they came in. aggrevating them into a panic would only make them disorientated and start running all over your house and even attack you. yes, some snakes are dangerous, like the King Cobra, but hello? you're in Singapore yar, King Cobras arent going to turn up at your doorstep unless your neighbour has been illegaly smuggling snakes in. so just chill and let them go kay. dont go around thinking that all snakes are dangerous, most of them only post a danger to you if you're a rat or lizard. think lah, snakes can be harmless too yar, just as dogs like Rottweiler can be deadly. be nice to snakes and bats kay~ they deserve love~ <3 and they're frigging blardy cute! <3 anna loves the pretty snake and the bats in her house. <3 i really should post some photos of the animals that have wandered into my house before. haha~ XDDDDD
kks this post too long edi. i'll post another time soon, hopefully with photos. XDDDD