In a battle on Earth, Archangel is forced into battle in the middle of the desert. The auxillary cannons have exceeded their optimal temperatures, and the following conversation ensues between the captain and the vice-captain:
"Captain! Please allow the use of Lohengrin (ion cannons)!"
"No! That would cause too much pollution on the surface! Think of something else!"
Lol. 'For the preservation of our blue and pure world' indeed. How ironic.
Cagalli: "If I die, I'll come back and haunt you!"
lawl. sounds like Nami from One Piece?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
my right hand is rotting...from all the writing...pffffft
in every community, society or within any group of people, there absolutely must exist a troublemaker. it's just as the angel cannot be seen as good unless compared to the devil, so good people cannot be considered good until they are put beside one who is bad.
catharsis. wonderful word for GP essays. wonderful way of saying: i'm ranting.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Slippery Steps and Flooding Bus-stops
incredible. our school has wonderful facilities. comfy meeting rooms, pretty gardens, educational ponds, Olympic-worthy tracks, an inspiring art centre and many other wonderful places.
yet, ironically, students and teachers get drenched along passageways, immerse their shoes in muddy water when trying to reach the bus-stop and struggle to maintain their balance on steps that are slippery. thank god our lifts ain't flooded.
a recount of how i went home.
on the third floor, i patiently waited for 4 different lifts. each opened with a bunch of sniggering boys who were gloating that they were in the lift while i wasnt. gentlemanly indeed. so i took the stairs down. in doing so, i realised that the school need not build a cascading waterfall. they could have just used the steps. water was literally flowing down the steps like a spring would flow down a mountain. kind people warned of massive puddles at each landing while tightly gripping on to the railing, praying silently that they would not slip and land in a pool of rainwater.
safely arriving at the ground floor, and exiting the school gate with no obstacles...yet another waterfall stood in my way. the below (lousy) illustration attempts desperately to depict the situation.
okay, i supposed they TRIED to remedy the situation. they built a shelter leading from the school gate to the bus-stop. but i think they forgot that the floor still floods. ask the girl who laughed when i stood on the other side of the river that separated the two of us. any step i take would involve submerging my entire foot in muddy water that was as high as my ankle.
one foot i plunged into the muddy water, the other (unglam-ly) leapt to the concrete step of the bus-stop. the girl laughed even louder. so nice of you.
with my trusty umbrella, i started walking toward the bus-stop on the other side of the road. would it be a surprise if i said that the pavement at the traffic was also flooded? as i stood waiting for the traffic light to turn green, a few *inconsiderate* @#$!@# drivers drove by at high speeds, causing a column of water to spray across any unfortunate pedestrians standing on the pavement. and that happens to be me. i swear i heard the girl at the bus-stop laughing her head off.
the rest of the journey home was considered safe and uneventful, unless you count being squashed in the MRT as perilous.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Gedo Senki (Tales from Earthsea)
one word.
okay, nice graphics. great soundtrack. good seiyuus. but storyline? *gawks* not that the plot was hard to follow, but there were too many things left unanswered at the end of it...OTL it had so much potential...sigh. no wonder it got bashed so badly at reviews and ratings. and the main character makes me miss Ashitaka. oh well. shall try Sky Crawlers next. at least there'll be better battle scenes. =P
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
To all you couples who PDA in school.
buzz off people.
go get a hotel room or find your own little hole to PDA in. the general population has just as much right as you to that space in our cluttered school. but simply because you're fine with PDA-ing does not mean that we are. for your information, if you hadn't already known, it makes other people (that means anyone outside of the couple) extremely irritated incredibly uncomfortable.
baby talk especially makes people want to smack you with the heaviest object they have in their possession. next worst on the list is whining.
it doesn't mean that being attached means you have to be literally and physically attached to your other half for the majority of your waking hours. for one, looking like a lost puppy when your other half's not around is extremely pathetic. it gets worse when you abandon the friends who accompany you once your other half is back. it seems as though your friends are merely spare tires for your convenience. you may not mean it, but it sure feels/seems that way.
being in a relationship does not mean you have spend all your time and attention on your other half. i know many a couple who are perfectly blissful even though they don't stick to each other like a fish and its water. i also know couples who manage to communicate without using a single word of baby talk. their communication is far more successful, i do believe. and there are plenty of ways to show your affection for each other without PDA-ing.
by the way, friends do know when to make themselves scarce. if you want solidarity, by all means ask and it will be given. for heaven's sake, friends DO NOT FREAKING want to be lampposts. they feel uncomfortable as lampposts. they'd even thank you for liberating them from your PDA session. so no, letting your friend walk alone is not a sign of abandonment, it is liberation. oh, if there happens to be mis-communication, i wonder if it's because you're too preoccupied with your other half.
I'd rather walk alone then spend my time with two lovebirds who only have eyes/time/attention for the other half. I'm not that desperate. neither do i want to be a spare tire.
my dear laogong would probably say I'm a bitter old woman again, but I'm sure she'd agree with most of the points (most of them were from her to begin with =P). right laogong? ^^
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sebastian or Lockon?
Current Status: Major dilemma
I wanted to name my new metal bow Lockon, so I picked the green colour for its coating. but Murphy's Law kicks in, and the green colour coating looks like (Jack Neo's) Liang Ximei's gaudy green and black shirt. so I decided to take the solid black bow instead. then again, the more i look at the pictures, the more i think i should name the bow Sebastian, after the Black Butler in Kuroshitsuji. crap.
on one hand, the bow's sleek, shiny black coating begs me to name it Sebastian. on the other hand, Lockon is a sharpshooter-ish person, and it's more adept for a bow. plus point: if i name the bow Lockon, i can name my arrows Haros, which actually sound pretty...tempting. imagine what the scenario would be like during scoring...*guffaws*
then again, my dear uncle Fabius said to name my bow Char Siu. quoting him, it's perfect in so many ways. "Char" is like...poke, describing the way that the arrows stab into the target board. "Siu" is my surname, so my bow has my surname (=_=) and "Char Siew" happens to be a dish that goes with my name in Cantonese, roasted pork...dang.
so therefore in conclusion, i shall christen my bow "Sebastian Lockon Char Siu"
Sebastian locks on Char Siew.
crap, i think many fangirls hate me already.
i think my bow hates me too. OTL
Monday, February 16, 2009
photos of Squirrel-chan A and Squirrel-chan B, and hopefully their offspring in time to come ^^
btw, don't ask me to distinguish between A-chan and B-chan lolz, i have no idea who's who =P
fattening up before winter~ XD
grooming~ love their long bushy tails *hearts*
it is NOT animal porn for all you sick minded people. =P just innocent grooming XD much fatter now aren't they? nice, fluffy and squishy~ *squish*
kidding =P it's snowing~! poor fellow had to go out to forage for food i think
poor dude, wonder what he's doing in a corner surrounded by kicked out by missus maybe? lolz
Friday, February 06, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
GONG (Super Robot Wars Alpha 3)
laugh die. i know, the name of the game is hilarious BUT it has elements of Gundam SEED inside, so NO insulting it! and it's one of the songs in the Niconico Douga medley~! XD here goes
Mune ni komiageteku Atsuku hageshii kono omoi
Bokura wa yuku saigo no basho e Te wo toriai chikaiatte
Asu no yoake mae ni Ano sora e to tabidatsu no sa
Bokura ga koko ni ita koto dake Dou ka oboete ite hoshii yo
Furimukuna Namida wo miseruna
Asu wo torimodosu n da "GONG narase!!!
Ima koso tachiagare Sadame no senshi yo Inazuma no tsurugi de
Teki wo kechirase Yasuragi wo yumemiru Hagane no yuusha yo
Mamorubeki mirai to ai wo shinjite Towa e! Towa e!
Moshi mo chikara tsukite Toushi no yaiba kudakete mo
Bokura wa nidoto modoranai Tomo ni ginga no umi ni chirou
Osoreruna Hokori wo suteruna
Saa mayowazu yukun da! "GONG narase!!"
Ooshiku maiodore Sadame no senshi yo Konjiki no tsubasa de
Ten ni habatake Hiku koto wo shiranai Hagane no yuusha yo
Moetagiru SOURU no meizuru mama ni Towa e! towa e!
"GONG GONG GONG narase!!"
Ima koso tachiagare Sadame no senshi yo Inazuma no tsurugi de
Teki wo kechirase Yasuragi wo yumemiru Hagane no yuusha yo
Mamorubeki mirai to ai wo shinjite Towa e! towa e!
English Translation:
This burning, intense sensation is building up inside our chests
As we depart for our final destination
Let's join hands and make an oath
We're gonna blast off into the sky on a journey before dawn
So please, remember just one thing -
That we were here on this Earth
Don't look back! Don't show your tears!"
We're gonna take back our tomorrow Sound the gong!!
On your feet right this instant, oh Soldier of Fate
Strike down the enemy with your Lightning Sword
Oh Hero of Steel, should you want your dream of peace to become true
You must believe in the love and the future you must protect
To eternity! To eternity!
If we were to lose all our energy and break our blades
We shall never return and fall into the sea of the stars
Don't be frightened! Don't throw away your pride!"
Stop hesitating and go! Sound the gong!
Dance bravely, oh Soldier of Fate
Rise to the heavens with your Golden Wings
Oh Hero of Steel, you who do not know the meaning of surrender
Keep being under the command of your burning soul
To eternity! To eternity!
GONG GONG GONG Sound the gong!!
On your feet right this instant, oh Soldier of Fate
Strike down the enemy with your Lightning Sword
Oh Hero of Steel, should you want your dream of peace to become true
You must believe in the love and the future you must protect
To eternity! To eternity!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
I'm Alive (Kuroshitsuji)
an interesting song from Kuroshitsuji XD
Nothing I say comes out right, I can't love without a fight,
No one ever knows my name, When I pray for sun, it rains.
I'm so sick of wasting time, But nothing's moving in my mind,
Inspiration can't be found, I get up and fall but,
I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah
Between the good and bad is where you'll find me,
Reaching for heaven.
I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,
I'll live my life, I'm Alive!
Every lover breaks my heart, And I know it from the start,
Still I end up in a mess, Every time I second guess.
All my friends just run away, When I'm having a bad day,
I would rather stay in bed, but I know there's a reason.
I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah
Between the good and bad is where you'll find me,
Reaching for heaven.
I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,
I'll live my life, I'm Alive!
When I'm bored to death at home, When he won't pick up the phone,
When I'm stuck in second place, Those regrets I cant erase.
Only I can change the end, Of the movie in my head,
There's no time for misery, I won't feel sorry for me.
I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah
Between the good and bad is where you'll find me,
Reaching for heaven.
I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,
I'll live my life, ohhhh!
I'm Alive, I'm Alive, oh yeah
Between the good and bad is where you'll find me,
Reaching for heaven.
I will fight, and I'll sleep when I die,
I'll live my life,
I'll live my life,
I'm Alive!
Monday, February 02, 2009
Monochrome Kiss (Kuroshitsuji)
a perfectly gay song for a perfect yaoi couple~! from...none other than...KUROSHITSUJI~!!! it ends with Sebastian stroking the cheek of Ciel and Ciel disappears~! *squeals* as an added bonus...the singer is a ultra-lolishouta~ he looks so...cute he can't be called a bishie~ though i can't say the same for his other band members...they look...constipated? but still bishies nonetheless~~~ SID BANZAI~ *drools* (is it just me, or are the lyrics deliciously suggestive?~ *hearts*)
Song Title: Monochrome Kiss
by: SID
Deai ni iro wa nakuta Monokuro fukinukeru
Itami goto Kimi yudanemashou
Kizu ato tsuyoku nazoru Yousha nai aki ga kite
Suzushii yubi Temaneku mama ni
Toketa ato no yakkai na Koori mitai na watashi wo
Yasashiku sukutte Uwaku chibiru de asobu
Sore demo hitotsu no Ai no katachi wo sagasu
Tooku yori mo ima wo musunda Kareta hitomi wa
Dekireba kono mama Tsutsumarete owaritai
Futari de himeta awai hada Tsuki mo kakureteru
Are kara ikura ka Yoru suki ni mo narimashita
Ison no umi Iki mo wasurete
Muchuu no sono temae de Nama nurusa dake wo nokoshite
Hiki kiwa no bigaku Tokuige na kisu kirau
Hitori ni shinai de Mou sasshite ayamete
Dono kotoba mo kimi no heya de wa Surinukete iku no
Midarete nemutte Sore ijyou wo oshiete?
Egao no toi ni mayou toiki Tsuki dake ga miteru
Tsugi no nagai hari ga Tenjyou ni todoku koro ni wa
Kimi wa mou inai Watashi wa mou iranai
Sore de mo tashika ni Ai no katachi wo sagashita
Tooku yori mo ima wo musunda Nureta hitomi wa
Dekireba kono mama Tsutsumarete owaritai
Sono negai wa Yoru wa munashiku
Asa wo tsurete kuru
Yasashikute atsukute Hikyou na kisu de
Irodotte yo saigo no yoru
Tsuki ga terashiteru
English Translation:
There's no color in our encounter; Monochrome blows through it
I shall entrust Each of my pains to you
The unforgiving autumn, Which forcefully traces my scars, comes
When your cold fingers Still beckon me
After I've melted, You tenderly save
The troublesome, icy me And toy around with me with a kiss
Nevertheless, I search for A single form of love;
Your dried eyes tie it to The present from a time far beyond
If I can, I want to end it, While shrouded like this
Together, we conceal our pale selves; The moon is hiding, too
How many nights did I Come to love since then?
In the sea of dependence, I forgot to even breathe
Even with your captivation, You only leave behind a tepid warmth
In knowing when to quit, I dislike your conceited kisses
Don't leave me alone, Perceive and color me already
What words will slip out of your room?
Being confused, falling asleep-
Will you tell me about things beyond those?
Only the moon is looking
At the sighs lost in the questions of smiles
When the next long needle points To the ceiling
You won't be around anymore; I won't need you anymore
Nevertheless, I definitely searched For a form of love
Your teary eyes tied it to The present from a time far beyond
If I can, I want to end while shrouded liked this
Your wish and the night bring morning along in vain
Paint it with a tender, passionate, yet cowardly kiss
The moon illuminates our final night
Saturday, January 31, 2009
And suppose he marries a girl who loves him passionately, is there such a great advantage in that? Often i have observed that it is a great misfortune for a man to have a wife who loves him. She creates the scene of jealousy, she makes him look ridiculous, she insists on having all his time and attention. Ah! Non, it is not the bed of roses. - Hercule Poirot
Quote from "Lord Edgware Dies" by Agatha Christie
Friday, January 30, 2009
a season of cakes

a birthday cake delivered via "air-mail". the mint cake from Angie's Choice. the cake is so fluffy~ and the cream is deliciously non-sweet! XDDD
Thursday, January 08, 2009
i spent a whole afternoon staring at people running into each other and whacking each other with balls. this year's orientation is something to look forward to i least there's a HINT of yaoi in the storyline (but i think it'll be censored)
when i got home, my dog fell into the pond. laugh die.