Post for 26th January 2006
hohoz. i noe. it's been a LONG time since i last updated and so MANY things have happened i dun even know where to begin. rights. i'll *try* to start from where i last post. yupps. i managed to catch Narnia after x-mas and whoo!! i LOVE that show!! it might be boring for some who haven read the book but it was PERFECTLY fine for me. heyz, i watched it at like 10 in the night kae, and i DIDN'T fall asleep. oh, and i sorta liked Peter at first, but he was kinda 'under-confident' i might say so i ended up liking the...LION!!! opps. dun bother about me. this brain isn't working, wait, it never worked in the first place.
yupps. there isn't much to update for anime and manga news, coz i haven read nor watched nor listened to anything for the past week so nothing to say. except for that Spiral is ending (it ONLY has 15 books!), which is sad, coz it has a great storyline. i have this feeling that the ending is gonna be sad, sad and sad. why are anime and manga endings so sad these days??!! there has got to be a problem with the writers, or is it the stories that i'm reading...hmm. yupps. anyways, that's all i have to say for now about anime and manga, though i hope Genbu Kaiden and Gundam SEED Destiny would come out sooner...
yupps. and i wanna watch Pirates of the Carribean 2, Johnny Deep is soooo cute, he's so versatile in the roles he plays. whoa. and not to mention Memoirs of a Geisha, though i find it contradictory that the very reason for casting an Asian cast is to make the movie more real but yet our lead actress is wearing...BLUE contact lens. go figure. bah.
haz. it's been madhouse since school started. i haven gotten a chance to sit down quietly to do something i wanna do. even archery has been put on a standby. everyday there is something to move, something to pack, something to do. bah. i'm still in a daze right now.
oh. one GOOD thing is that my furniture FINALLY came. so yupps, i can START UNPACKING my manga and anime and SLEEP on a BED. whoa. that's a blessing. i had to shift my stuff from the old house to the new house and unpack my txtbks for school. then one week later, i had to pack EVERYTHING into boxes again and stuff them into my TOLIET for the furniture to come in. THEN i had to UNPACK everything into the shelves and stuff. guess how much muscles i've built up. hoho. *poke*
that wasn't the end of it. just after i had enjoyed my bed for TWO SHORT nights. guess what. it was OBS!!! argh. i had to pack, write my Commonwealth essay and sleep. aiyo, where got time man. sighs. though i must say, sleeping on the floor for two weeks got me 'seasoned' for sleeping in tents, either that or i was too tired to bother, coz i slept like a pig every night for the week. hoho.
rights, now i shall try to recount my OBS experience, if i can remember all of it, coz it felt so surreal to me. ha. i was pretty freaked out by OBS, coz the previous two camps i went for didn't give me much to hope for. yupps. the first day. we arrived and blah blah, admin stuff and such. then we went for kayaking in the late afternoon where we had to do the capsize and rescue drill. boy, that was *fun*. the capsizing part was nice, but flipping the kayak and climbing back on wasn't fun at all. you'd either slip off after finally getting on or you'd not be able to get on at all. bah. but me and Toe managed to finish the drill in the end. ha, thank goodness. just as we were gloating that we din have to do the drill again the next day while the rest who didn't complete it had to, guess what again. we were the LUCKY ones who had to repeat the drill for another pair who din have a partner. just GREAT. but we were sorta faster this time, though i had no shoes left to do the drill. my shoe literally fell apart on the first day.
after we finished the kayaking, we washed up and did my *favourite* activity. rock-climbing. great. just great. though i din make it all the way up, i did reach my target, so that was fine. after rock-climbing, we had to pick up our HEAVY, super HUGE bagpacks and hike to camp 1. that was fine, except for that i was walking in a pretty awkward manner. i do say i liked the hike, but i was disgusted by the campsite. it was sorta a joke on us, coz the very very pretty camp 1 was just in front of our muddy and very dark campsite. i would have preferred NOT seeing camp 1 in the first place, then i wouldn't think so badly of the campsite. we had our meals served and that seemed like heaven compared to the other meals we had. i seriously don't mind all the other stuff and i can tolerate all those, coz i mentally prepared myself for worse stuff, but that nice pretty camp 1 and the hot, delicious food served really seemed like it was meant to demoralise us. bah. i think i would have rather not had that instead.
on the third day, we did the Inverse tower, which looked pretty bad at first and worse after that. there was a net which we had to climb up, followed by a log that had handholds and finally 4 logs that were in Z shapes which we had to cilmb and sit at the top. it got worse for me after i belayed two people consecutively and watched while many other people climb, heyz, i have a phobia of heights kae. rights, so it was finally my turn to climb the thing and i paired with Yi Xin. bah. the net was fine, though i had to hypnotise myself to think that i was on flat ground. then while sitting on the log at the top of the log, i had to pull Yi Xin up coz she too was terrified of heights. not a good thing. i could feel myself slipping off the log and i sorta freaked out. i climbed the log with handholds first too and that wasn't a good thing either. my hands and legs were practically shaking. i think i managed to get to the second or third log but i din make it to the final log, which i am totally disappointed. it was the only time i managed to climb so far up and yet i din complete it. boohoo. who knows when i will have the courage to go that high again. bah.
after the Inverse tower, we ate lunch and off it was again on a long long hike. we hiked all the way to some ulu ulu place which was apparently our campsite. it was infested with grasshoppers that wouldn't lay off our tent, they kept jumping on while we were pitching. that campsite was where i hike to before during my Spark C trip. dun ask me why they brought us there, it was just a walk there and back again. bah. so useful. yupps. just as we were halfway through pitching our tent, news came that we have to unpitch and hike to another campsite. the people kayaking couldn't make it to our campsite, so they landed on somewhere further down, not that i blame them, it was pretty rough for them too. the second hike was fine for me, but i think some were already very tired from the previous hike. so we ended up in an even more ulu campsite which was pretty rocky and sandy and very near to JB. we pitched our tents and yah, ate while we enjoyed the sea breeze.
after a night filled with goat-sounding toads and techno-dance music from JB and night sentry duty, it was our turn to kayak the next morning. they called it a sea expedition. bah. i call it the battle against big boats with motors. our kayak was so small it practically rocked with every wave that came. hah. those big big ships and cruises obviously must have enjoyed nearly capsizing our poor kayaks when they zoomed past our fleet. even those visitors from mainland thought we were having fun under the sun squeezed into a small kayak. the sea water further from the jetty was pretty clean, at least that's what i thought until people started doing their business in there. then i stopped washing my face with the nice cool, *clean* sea water.
Other than that, we did the night walk, which was fine save for my over-active imagination. Hoho, I kept thinking there were people behind me or weird shapes that resembled owls and King-Kongs…bah. OBS was nice overall, thanks to Kenny. hoho. whee. gotta go. i WILL TRY to update more frequently! hoz.