sorry, backdated post: 30/11/2006=P due to my inefficiency...mauuu
mau...tomorrow is the last day of the NEmation competition. though i have to say i'm glad to not have to wake up at unearthly hours in the morning, i think i'll miss the work area. aww...the tablet PCs are sooooo nice to use, i'd bet they're addictive...mau. bwahahaha.
heh, seems like i have a lot to update since i haven't really touched this blog in a loooong time...hmm, let's see, i shall start with KYOU KARA MAOU!!! MAU~~
the main character is as usual, lame, idiotic and useless (to a certain extent). but when he 'transforms' into his Maou form he's a LOT cooler, though still as lame. *cough*
pardon me. the tribute on Kyou Kara Maou shall be continued. soon. =P