Thursday, July 31, 2008

Photos from Thailand Princess Cup

kay lah, all these are taken wt my lousy handphone camera lol. the next batch of photos shld be alot nicer, since they're taken with a proper camera haha. but that will have to wait till i grab em from Lionel or something haha. till then, bear with these! XD

haha here's where the competition was held XD Island Hall in Island Shopping Mall lolz that box there is the paintball event haha. i'll post more picts bout this later bah XD

the guy on the poster is Jack haha. poster boy for the event XD his posters were like everywhere hahaha. but he's imba kay, got near perfect score for one of the rounds haha. XD a particular SAC member crushes him worh *coughWinniecough* XD

hahahah so coincidentally, the seats at the competition venue...were the same colour as our club t-shirt! XDDD same shade as the new shirt somemore lolz~ that really cracked me up hahaha. XD seeing the whole venue same colour as ur a good thing XD

XDDDD Winnie won first prize for the University Class XDDDD gratz to her~~~