laugh die. i have to post this rant. as i was queuing up for drinks during lunch at RI (we went to the RI canteen for lunch), i overheard this conversation: (note imagine two ah beng RI xiao di di talking kay =P)
A: eh you know arh, there are many F2P games out there leh, wah lao why you dont try some? free one jus play lah man, if not free for wad sia.
B: aiyar, free games i also dunno wad to play, so many leh, scarly load all onto my comp my comp hang die.
A: aiyar, tell you lah, go try this game, GRANADO ESPADA lah, this game arh, ownage i tell you, went from F2P to P2P then F2P again leh! imba lah.
B: huh, wad F2P P2P? wah lao, so many short-forms for wad?
A: u noob arh, F2P means free to play lah, P2P means pay to play lah toots. aiya neway lah, jus go play lah, tell you arh, u so noob better go on the non-PK server first lah, wait go in only die i will laugh arh
B: wah lao wad the eff is PK-server lah.....*voice trails off*
laugh die. seriously, i died when i heard that convo. firstly, it's bout GE, and hearing RI guys talk bout GE is just like hearing your little sis talk about Maple. i dunno, it jus cracks me up. to think i'd hear GE after such a long time, and in RI of all places lolz. i kept laughing non-stop for the rest of lunch. oh well, that was funny (actually not very funny, but i jus found it highly amusing) best thing is that both of them sound like noobs, especially with their beng tone in the way they speak. somemore A dude kept stressing the highlighted words like he damn pro lolz. must be a freshie gamer =P RI xiao di di is indeed RI xiao di di. quote from Khis, they look small enough to be kicked around =P *continues to laugh die*