Tuesday, October 28, 2008

none needed

another of my mood-swingish posts. leave before you get caught in the cycle. should you happen to get sucked in, not my fault. i have warned you. and I'm still warning you. =_=|| don't read.


i have never understood nor will i ever understand humans.

i can safely say that for every person you know, there exists another one within who is a total stranger. that said, i know Belleanna exists somewhere, and her existence has been recorded by certain unfortunate people. who still live to tell the tale, for your information.

schizophrenia affects everyone. nope, it's not a special medical conditions that some unfortunate, traumatized people have. convince yourself that you've never before behaved out-of-character. you lose.

my point? i give up trying to understand humans. heck, i cant even say i understand myself. well, at most i know that i understand Annabelle, but i cant say the same for Belleanna, or even the other sides of me that exist without my knowledge. who knows, in some dark, musty corner, there's a certain Anabel lying in the wait. shrugs. so before you accuse me of not being understanding, pardon me, I'm still trying to understand myself. that kinda takes up most of my energy, time and brainpower. once i get through with that, I'll try understand you. I'll thank you in advance for your patience.