lolz~ warning sia, bitching coming right up dudes~ stay off if ya easily disturbed or low-tolerance =P which by the way, if you fall into either category, you shouldn't be reading this blog in the first place lolz~ anw yupps~ you've been warned. bitching up ahead.
seriously, people who think the world of themselves are in one word, irritating. now don't start shooting me for saying that. if they're the kind who think they are worthy of such self-adoration, by all means, they can worship their reflection in the mirror. but lemme say my piece first. if you think you're all-so-mighty royalty, think again. for heaven's sake, before you start worshipping yourself, get people to respect you first.
seriously, the only people i actually respect and admire are either those with a brain, or those with a heart, preferably both. if a person has neither, then please go roll in the mud. hai~ not particularly arrowing anyone specifically, just a whole bunch of self-obsessed people who irked me to a point beyond redemption. not to mention i'm pissed off at the moment, so too bad.
once again my laogong is right. fine, laogong you are forever right, save for the time you advised me to be a cryptologist (did i get the spelling right? lolz) yar i think i emo-ing hahaha~ and yar, we all are late-bloomers sia =P laugh die. hope you enjoyed stuffing your face at jap club today XDDDDD sho sad that i didnt manage to go home with you *plants fungi in a corner and watches them sprout* T_T next week we go liang court to stuff our faces yar~ XDDDD jiayou with cloud's cross-stitch ne~ i have no idea why i'm saying this here when i'm going to see you tmr anw @@ laugh die oh well, type edi jiu forget it bah~ lazy to delete =PPP me shall go watch Akazukin Chacha~ and i shall rave bout Sebastian and Ren a lil later~ jya~~~ next post will be happier~ i promise~ hahaha
and btw, for those who cant see an elephant in front of them, i've added Arias', Peiting's and Joel (the gay)'s blogs on my link list~ go see their blogs if you're interested lolz~ wait people say i anti-social. ironically, i dun have my laogong's blog on my link list @@ oh well~ *shrugs* laugh die XDDD