i got scolded and questioned by doctors for having cramps and diarrhoea.
i wonder what on earth they're for.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Chuka Ichiban & a bit of crap ^^
mugyuseiryuzan. muraryorikai.
zomg, Chuka Ichiban (translation: Cooking Master Boy) has such a dark world for the culinary realm. there're special ways to chop up a cow, equivalent to the sword styles that Kenshin uses rofl. mugyuseiryuzan vs hiten mitsurugi ryu-kuzuryuzan. XD they even have a Mafia-like association that's hunting down the protagonist, Mao. lolz.
the story is set in ancient China, where the protagonist, Mao, hails from the province of Szechuan. XD after he's recognized by the Food Official (did they have such a rank in history? @@ i think there may be some truth after all...), he's sent to Hangzhou for training and to take the Special Chef qualification (Tokyuu Chuushin Shiken). of course, he gains the title of Tokyuu Chuushin, and from there he travels China for his training XD interesting eh.
while there may be corny moments like...Chun-li lookalikes holding fans and dancing around the word "Umai"(Delicious), or savoring the universe in a bowl of Ginza noodles etc. the main storyline is strong, even comparable to that of Slayers. considering that this anime is at least as old as Slam Dunk or even Ranma, the art style and storyline are both praiseworthy.
sure, it's old, it's cheesy, especially when the literal battle of the dragons start when the respective chefs unveil their dish, but... if Tezuka can wipe out the dinosaurs with his tennis strokes, i guess anything goes yar. =P
it's definitely worth a watch if you belong to the Akazukin Cha Cha era XD there's a fair share of irritating female lead character squeaking (but not as intolerable as Miaka) and your loser sidekick, or in this case disciple, but there's a fair share of bishies as well, only if you count...those gorrilla-like Caucasians in Prince of Tennis as bishies...*shrugs* there's one who's really a bishie, he kinda looks like Mikagami Tokiya from Rekka...but he kinda appears and disappeared. OTL not to mention there's this...guy who looks like he belongs to the gang of Naraku, Orochimaru and Itachi ...purple eyeshadow anyone? lolz best thing, he's a good guy, and the mentor of Mao. *all hail purple eyeshadow~*
CRAP ALERT~ you have been warned.
as a side note, i kinda figured out how Orochimaru died by the sword of Sasuke. you see, Oro-chan kinda did a baaaad thing. he snatched Naraku's purple eyeshadow. ^^ Naraku-chan got pretty pissed off when he realised that his last pallet of purple eyeshadow was missing. *cues thunder and lightning* *cues Naraku-chan swearing vengence on Oro-chan* Naraku-chan goes after Oro-chan and coveniently pops into the dimension in which Sasuke was battling Oro-chan in the "final battle" Naraku and his baboon obviously combined powers with Sasuke and together they beat Oro-chan. that was what Kabuto witnessed when Sasuke showed him the "final battle". just before Oro-chan breathed his last, he sent one of his little snakes to deliver the purple eyeshadow to none other than...ITACHI! (i am not going to incur the wrath of Itachi and Orochimaru fans, if the latter has any, by implying that the two are a couple) let's just say that Oro-chan had a deal with Itachi that he would give him the purple eyeshadow laced with erm...Sasuke's erm...sweat maybe? (Sasu x Ita fans? XD) rights, so Itachi gets the Sasu-sweat-laced-purple-eyeshadow. Sasu-chan, got pissed off with the fact that his aniki was into incest/yaoi that he went after Itachi with a roar. he finished off Itachi and took back the purple eyeshadow which he has been eyeing ever since Oro-chan got hold of it. (that was the reason why he killed Oro-chan in the first place XD) and so, we wait with bated breath, to see if Sasu-chan will one day don the purple eyeshadow ^^
*scoots off for more Chuka Ichiban before i get slaughtered by Sasu, Ita, Oro, Naraku fans*
Monday, December 08, 2008
a day of shopping
well, not exactly a day of shopping, since most of the day was spent travelling. maybe the title should be changed to a day of stuffing my face.
basically, the day started with me sleeping in. nice rainy morning, in addition to the fact that the party at my house last night ended late with me helping to clean up = reason to sleep in. managed to win the debate with my dad, which resulted in us skipping breakfast to sleep in somemore XD ended up falling asleep while talking to a friend...OTL woke up only at 12pm @@ lolz. then went out for Taiwan porridge at Goodwood Park Hotel with a couple of relatives.
after filling our tummies with a whole lot of porridge (it's free-flow btw, so you can imagine how much we ate), we walked towards Far East Plaza. here something amusing happened. i was chatting with my mum about some random stuff when we were walking out of the carpark, when suddenly, something crashed down onto our umbrella and my head. make a guess what crashed down. the barrier of the carpark gangtry. roflmao. farnie. once again proved that my skull is as thick as a coconut husk.
anw, we continued walking towards Tangs. there, they decided that Taiwan porridge and Durian crepes weren't filling enough so they went along as started eating cake. OTL
walked a little more and our relatives decided they had enough of Singapore's expensive stuff, so they drove back to Malaysia. then we decided to go chase after another group of relatives from the outback eventually found them at Vivocity after a long while in the car trying to find parking space at the impossibly crowded Vivocity.
after locating them, we shopped at...Giant ^^ managed to grab some Anime and J-Drama, then decided to come home to watch an incredibly gay show XD i think the english name is...Cooking Master Boy or something liddat. farnie and gay ^^ chiaoz, back to Naruto and Cooking Master Boy (must go find out the jap name, the eng name is a little hilarious)
Friday, December 05, 2008
bashed it once, got hooked onto it. bashed it a second time, got hooked again.prolly lost my mind edi. OTL
within a span of...say two days? i think i covered...89 (still counting) manga chapters worth of story. lol. nuts, never read a manga so fast in my life. even RAVE and Rekka no Honoo were read at a nice comfortable pace.
best thing about this manga? people double-cross then double-cross again until i get slightly confused as to whom they are double-crossing. spoilers here, but i don't think anyone would mind them =P. Sai, the dear replacement for "Sasuke-kun" was assigned to Team Kakashi. his apparent missions: a) to join hands with Orochimaru to destroy Konoha. b) to assassinate Sasuke. c) to save Sasuke. all, concurrently.
"..." *brain concussion* that is after i summarized kay, imagine trying to read that on your own. though I'm sure a particular someone won't have any problems with following the storyline *smacks* this one does.
next best thing about this manga? bishies drop dead like flies XD *poof* Yondaime the moment he appears *poof* Kimimaro *poof* Gaara nearly there *poof* Sasori *poof* Itachi *poof* Kakashi *poof* etc etc. man, they disappear faster than Naruto's Kage Bunshins. well at least they replenish the stock, only to kill them off again or place them in mortal danger. lolz, i'll get down to my roll-call of the dead once i'm done clearing the remaining chapters i have ^^.
that won't be too soon. and it'll take a while for me to clear the rest of the chapters ^^ i have roughly...119 more to go as of now ^^
PS manga's nicer than the anime. true, less colour but much less draggy, coz you go "click" and it's the next page already ^^ on the other hand, manga can be draggy to, contrary to popular belief.
PPS Sai IS kinda cute. and so is Yamato *hearts* soon they'll go *poof*
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
lessons learnt
discovery of the day. the curry bun we (all) love was invented by none other than...Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji! amusing. he came up with the idea of stuffing curry into a bun. for what reason? for the convenience of little children to enjoy e curry without having to use utensils! *throws confetti into e air* and to make his "godlike" curry that even beat that Indian butler's curry, he added, a bar of Phantomhive Dark Chocolate. hallelujah~ laugh die.
Kuroshitsuji is so packed with shounen-ai and yaoi (implied i guess) that a straight guy turns gay mid-way. welcome to the dark side, pal! XD let's just say it's because the girl he was chasing kinda ditched him. so he turned to none other than his butler! XDDD master x servant, banzai!!! it isn't Ciel and Sebastian I'm talking about =P that couple long ago together already mahhhh XDDDDD
3. steaming an egg may result in the egg disappearing from the plate. serious. my plate ended up empty after i steamed the egg. guess it kinda decided to drown itself in the water used to steam it...
4. seemingly docile Parrotfish (see image below) are really aggressive predators. we decided to fish up some guppies from the pond outside to rear in the aquarium inside, when to our horror (and my disgust) the guppies disappeared faster than my sister's dinner did. urgh. gross. there wasnt any apparent hesitation, as though the Parrot fish were used to eating live fish, even though we only fed them with fish food up till today. fish eating other dead fish i can barely stand, fish eating other fish live? urgh.
5. expected the unexpected, as Kerberos always says.
Monday, December 01, 2008
We live as we dream—alone. – Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
oh my blardy freaking goodness. they are showing SKIP BEAT on OKTO! *falls to hell in despair* nooooooooooooooooo SKIP BEATTTTT *sobs* why have you been mutilated sooooo how could they...show Skip Beat on the equivalent of Kids Central...now xiao mei meis will go round proclaiming their otaku status and worse...Skip Beat MAY be American-ised! nooooooooo. oh, on a side note, Gundam 00 is on OKTO too. dang. one day Skip Beat will have Wolverine in it. *falls deeper than hell*
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
are joo lost?
some stuff anna found out today when she lost her way (yesh again, for the blardy goodness-knows-how-many-th time). well that's not exactly true. she didnt remain lost for the whole time, she managed to recover her way (eventually). some tips that she'll like to share (listen and heed only if you're as hopeless at directions as she is, if not keep to your own way and you'll be safer yo)
1. Always. Always. Always, remember where you started from.
if you take public transport ie MRT. good for you. rights. say you forgot which way to walk from the MRT station, and say you still can't remember the way to walk after standing at the exit of the station gaping into the air in front of you, then how? you walk in a straight line.
2. Always walk in a STRAIGHT line. or a general straight-line direction.
one thing good about that, you'll always be able to find your way BACK. if liddat also cannot find your way back, then you better not got out alone. usually, after walking in a straight line, you might bump into something familiar or some landmark you might recognise, if so, good for you. if not, bad for you. nothing else to add.
3. Always trust your instincts.
never ever doubt your instincts. i did so today, and one helluva mistake was that. i shan't elaborate. if your instincts don't work, then close your eyes and walk. your instincts will start working and lead you on auto-pilot. if all of the above fails, then how? refer to point number 1.
4. Walk back to where you started from (which should be somewhat easy unless you didn't follow my instructions.)
one good thing about walking back to the start point, at least you're somewhere where you can
a) call some good friend who has a better/good direction sense for help (eg my laogong).
b) start wailing and some kind passerby may offer a helping hand.
c) bug the station control people for directions (which by right you should have done from the start but if you're like me, you wouldn't have)
d) go home and try again another day after you've checked the street directory.
note that these tips only apply if you're a greater road-idiot than anna is. if not, stick to your own way. it'd be safer for you. toodaloo.
Monday, November 17, 2008
quotes of the day~ from Kuroshitsuji
"At this moment, my body and soul, to the last hair, belong to my master."
Sebastian in Kuroshitusji
a truly yaoi fangirl-worthy moment~~~
"May I have the honour of this dance, my Lord?"
Sebastian to Ciel in Kuroshitsuji
a drool-able moment~
"It's coming out~~~"
Ciel in Kuroshitsuji (with Ciel propped up against the wall, sweating, and screaming in delight/supposed agony. oh, did i mention shirt-less? when Sebastian was tightening his corset for him...or whatever the imaginative yaoi-fangirl can think of =P *nosebleeds*)
yaoi fangirl heaven.
quote my laogong: "They KNOW they have yaoi fangirls watching this show. They KNOW."
*nods* yesh indeed, of course they know. and they deliver XD this is called fan-service yo.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Each blade of grass has its spot on earth whence it draws its life, its strength; and so is man rooted to the land from which he draws his faith together with his life. – Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Publicity for Sembawang Archery Blog
oi people arh, actually i don't think anyone from SAC reads my blog but heck. to whom it may concern, go roll over and read the SAC blog. Lionel is getting uber hyper over there but no one's reading the blog. it is under-utilised. lolz~ but he complain no one read sia, so i nice enough to post an advertisement here on my blog (though seriously, i think my blog is quite ulu also lah laugh die) anw yar. go see. add to the visitor count yo lolz. *kicks* go lah! XDDDDD personally, i find it quite funny to see his blog posts sho hyper laugh die XDDDD
photos post~
photos from previous posts. finally got off my lazy butt to get em out of my phone memory card haha. but anw they're up! XD toodaloo~

Edamame beans from Sakae Sushi~ the sushi outing we had haha~ courtesy of Arias, who kindly squeezed out all the beans for me~ ^^

Arias and Peiting, and one kaypoh guy at the back =.= good food, good friends all that's lacking ish good alcohol =P


SHO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *fangirls* too bad it's not sticking out its cute little forked tongue~ rawr~ kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii XDDDDDDDDD
Sunday, November 09, 2008
on the 8th & 9th of Nov...
anna ish one happy girl~ there are 6 reasons why~
3. she has $50 extra in her cashcard, courtesy of dad who kindly got tricked into topping it up, thinking it was mum's card ^^*V* kudos to him~ haha, she offered a bite of my wonderful ice-cream, but he declined, so she gave him she beef during dinner =P
4. she has finally figured out what to do with her balcony which has basically been left to rot ever since she moved into her room. now she has decided to use it to sun-dry her towels and clothes. in other words, her room is turning into a dormitory. how...exciting.
5. her mum has kindly agreed to buy her a metal bow, though she thinks mummy only agreed coz mummy doesn't know the price of a metal bow with all the add-ons included in. laugh die. oh well, she'll get her limbs from grandpa and grandma, riser from daddy and mummy, stabilizer from uncle fabs, sight from...etc. well, you get the idea. kind donations from various people would most probably make up her bow. ^^*V* "on the first day of Christmas my parents gave to me~ a riser with a clicker~ on the second day of Christmas my uncle gave to me~ a sight and a T-square~ etc."
6. she has finally figured out what present to get. amazingly, she has successfully bought it without too much delay haha. it will now reach its destination on time without a certain someone having to freeze. ^^
one observation which has amused her greatly is this: while Listerine is supposed to help you combat plague and gum infections, it attracts ants. *raises eyebrows* how can something which combats tooth decay attract ants? how intriguing ^^
another photo from e wedding dinner on Sunday, two great snapshots of my sis. laugh die. enjoy~
lolz, Beatrice got so tired and bored while eating dinner that she...well decided to sleep. haha~
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
i love bats~and a snake~
woots~~~ PW IS OVERRRR *throws confetti* *pops champagne* *unearths anime* hallelujah~! XDDDDD anna ish a happy girl~ lolz. people reading my blog must think i'm some schizo or mad person haha. too bad~ today ish the Ultimate Attack day! remember the bishie from Gundam 00? Allelujah Haptism and his split personality Hallelujah Haptism. lolz. some joke my laogong told me popped into my head. it goes smt like this: "i show my left eye (Allelujah), i am zai. i show my right eye (Hallelujah), i own. my ultimate attack, i show both eyes!" kay, for those who didnt understand, dont bother. jus another mad moment of mine. which are getting a little too frequent. lolz~
ANYWAY~ PW officially ends today~~~ haha! pats to my group mates who slogged their guts out~ enjoy the hols yar~ XDDDDD
and yupps. the title isnt wrong. i do love bats~ they're freaking cute! and i mean it. for those who think i'm weird, join the club, there's a waiting list though. lolz~ if you hate bats or if you're scared of them, i'd recommend watching Jeff Corwin. there's this episode in which he rescues a bat with an injured wing. my gosh, the bat looks exactly like a dog with wings! actually i think it looked like a Chihuahua, especially so coz of its long snout and big round eyes. bats arent harmful to humans at all, most of em jus eat fruits. Vampire bats are only going to be a threat to you if you're a cow or something. they never consume human blood haha. and those scary photos with them baring their teeth? go find a picture of a Pit-bull. i'm sure the latter is scarier. they dont fly into your face either. unless they're deaf, which doesnt happen too often. so to those who associate bats with vampires, think of the vampire as a bishie, then the bat will be just a cute doggy like Riiya. XDDDDD
haha. anw yar, i used to be freaked out by bats, coz one flew in to my grandparents' house when i was about 4 or 5, and i remembered quite a panic in the house since my grandparents were running around chasing some black shadow. they told me the next day that a Flying Fox flew in through the window and i got freaked out, coz i thought the bat was a fox with wings, and that would make it a very very big bat. (must understand that at that age, most things seemed huge to you lolz). anw yar, i was scared that it would fly back in and carry me away to eat or smt (watch too much fantasy shows edi).
it wasnt until recent years that i started liking bats. first was the Jeff Corwin episode, and that showed how tame bats can be~ also showed how cute they really are <3 it was jus hugging onto to Jeff Corwin and drinking milk from a bottle! *squeals* ahem anw yar, not too long after that, i was pulling out the weeds in the garden of my old house (before renovation that is) when i happened to look up at this Champak tree (a fragrant flower often used by Indians in their oil/flower garlands in case you're wondering) in my garden. i stared for a while. then ran off screaming in glee. there was this hollow in the foliage of the tree, making it look like somewhat a cave in the tree crown. and there, lo and behold, roosted a family of bats~ <3 anna was a happy girl then~ haha. i used to sit below that hollow in the tree and stare at the bats. cant remember if i managed to take any photos of them anot, i'll try to dig lolz. then when that tree was cut down for the construction of this house, i was pretty sad, coz i thought they bats would never come back, like that little owl that used to sit on the road sign outside our house. it was an adorable owl by the way, snow white in colour and no bigger than the letter it was perched on top of. <3 BUT! last week, i stood at the stairwell outside my room and i HAPPENED to look out to the mango tree in front of our house. there were many flying shapes darting in and out of the tree. at first i thought they were birds, then one of them flew by the lamppost. the bats were back~ haha a bigger brood this time round, and they cleared out the mangoes, much to the annoyance of my mum and uncle lolz. but anna ish once again a happy girl~ coz the bats are back~~~ <3 pity they dont live in the mango tree, if not i'd be posting snapshots by now haha. sho yupps~ when the mangoes are ripe, a whole army of bats would be flying right outside my window. and its a sight i love to see~ <3
snakes have also been old friends to occassionally visit my house. the first time i saw a snake was when i was roughly 5. or definitely before my sis was born. i was playing the garden (yesh i grew up in the garden), digging holes and plucking flowers as usual when i saw this bunch of white eggs. at first i thought they were lizard eggs, so i didnt really bother. it wasnt until a few days later that my maid started screaming about a snake in the garden that we realised they were a nest of snake eggs. haha sho cool. think my dad got rid of the eggs somehow or another, but i could i'd love to hatch those eggs. <3 imagine a whole family of snakes! XDDDDD then over the years, snakes generally caused panic in my house whenever they were spotted, mainly in drains and gardens and stuff. sadly, many of them were killed on impulse (T_T) though i doubt if any of them were venomous to begin with. but oh well, it's common error to kill a snake as soon as you see it. which is very regrettable. as luck would have it, the latest snake that wandered into our house happens to be a frequent visitor. (we deduced this from the burn scars it has due to our sprinkling of alcohol down the drain the last time we saw it). my dad managed to catch the snake alive and we kinda played with it a little. after an hour or so of research, with help from a good~ friend, the little snake has been identified as a Paradise Tree Snake.
i'll post some photos of it soon~ this post getting a little long lolz. it is venomous, and it'll kill you if you're a Gecko. lolz, if not the worst you'll get is a swollen finger. it's a really pretty snake~ <3 and surprisingly, it feels extremely soft to touch. abit like marshmallow maybe? it's not scaly at all, as i had originally thought. it was so smooth and soft it didnt feel like a snake. haha. i was shocked by it at first, coz i had just returned from archery prac on Sunday when my sis burst through the door uttering completely incoherent sentences (she does that quite abit) and my dad holding a jar while wearing gloves. i freaked out when i saw a snake was inside the jar, but after a while (quite a long while), i plucked enough courage to touch the snake, and i couldnt stop after that. it felt so vulnerable, such a small creature that really meant no harm. it was probably doing me a service by eating the lizards in my house. and to think jus a year ago, we would have killed this pretty snake without second thought. haiz. it's really cute, and apparently it likes to be pet on the head @@ haha~
snakes, like bats, are often misunderstood to be symbols of evil, bringing fear and terror whereever they go. but hey, they're really really cool animals that deserve respect too yar. imagine your entire body being a bundle of nothing but muscle, or being able to fly as a mammal. they arent simply pests to be killed at first sight ya know. of course, i'm not telling you to go kiss every single snake/bat you see, but dont start whacking it with a chair or smt. they're probably more scared of you than you are of them. jus let them quietly slither out the way they came in. aggrevating them into a panic would only make them disorientated and start running all over your house and even attack you. yes, some snakes are dangerous, like the King Cobra, but hello? you're in Singapore yar, King Cobras arent going to turn up at your doorstep unless your neighbour has been illegaly smuggling snakes in. so just chill and let them go kay. dont go around thinking that all snakes are dangerous, most of them only post a danger to you if you're a rat or lizard. think lah, snakes can be harmless too yar, just as dogs like Rottweiler can be deadly. be nice to snakes and bats kay~ they deserve love~ <3 and they're frigging blardy cute! <3 anna loves the pretty snake and the bats in her house. <3 i really should post some photos of the animals that have wandered into my house before. haha~ XDDDDD
kks this post too long edi. i'll post another time soon, hopefully with photos. XDDDD
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
none needed
another of my mood-swingish posts. leave before you get caught in the cycle. should you happen to get sucked in, not my fault. i have warned you. and I'm still warning you. =_=|| don't read.
i have never understood nor will i ever understand humans.
i can safely say that for every person you know, there exists another one within who is a total stranger. that said, i know Belleanna exists somewhere, and her existence has been recorded by certain unfortunate people. who still live to tell the tale, for your information.
schizophrenia affects everyone. nope, it's not a special medical conditions that some unfortunate, traumatized people have. convince yourself that you've never before behaved out-of-character. you lose.
my point? i give up trying to understand humans. heck, i cant even say i understand myself. well, at most i know that i understand Annabelle, but i cant say the same for Belleanna, or even the other sides of me that exist without my knowledge. who knows, in some dark, musty corner, there's a certain Anabel lying in the wait. shrugs. so before you accuse me of not being understanding, pardon me, I'm still trying to understand myself. that kinda takes up most of my energy, time and brainpower. once i get through with that, I'll try understand you. I'll thank you in advance for your patience.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
wonderful, lovely, fuzzy wuzzy childhood memories
one fine day, anna decides to watch something simple, something that does not require an ounce of brain power. she opens the crunchyroll webpage and sees a show she remembers from days long past. wanna make a guess? nope, not Pokemon. nah, not Magic Knight Rayearth either. if you guessed Sailormoon you're dead. give up? she saw the title: Akazukin Cha Cha. rolls over and laugh die.
lolz yupps~ i started watching Akazukin Cha Cha from the top! laugh die, thought i was bad enough when i rewatched Digimon and Digimon 02 up to the point when they started the Eng dub. but that's another story altogether. Cha Cha brings back...interesting memories lolz. like how i actually thought that Riiya was cute. well, he still is. =P i'll let the screenshots speak for themselves XDDDDD after i finish Cha Cha, i shall restart on Gundam. ^^*V*
Riiya~ XD haha one thing i loooove bout Akazukin Cha Cha is the kira-kira eyes of the characters. yeah, some people complain about the art being old-school or even ugly *bashes people up* but there is beauty in vintage kay. look at Slayers. look at some of the Digimon, Angemon anyone? they are pretty kay. even if there isnt pretty art, some of the storylines are wayyyy better than those we get today. =P
rolls on the floor laughing my ass off. need i say more?
Kyuu-chan the Vampire. hilarious. =P
a macroscopic view. the showdown between dog (wolf) and vampire. laugh die.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
people who need to eat dust ^^
lolz~ warning sia, bitching coming right up dudes~ stay off if ya easily disturbed or low-tolerance =P which by the way, if you fall into either category, you shouldn't be reading this blog in the first place lolz~ anw yupps~ you've been warned. bitching up ahead.
seriously, people who think the world of themselves are in one word, irritating. now don't start shooting me for saying that. if they're the kind who think they are worthy of such self-adoration, by all means, they can worship their reflection in the mirror. but lemme say my piece first. if you think you're all-so-mighty royalty, think again. for heaven's sake, before you start worshipping yourself, get people to respect you first.
seriously, the only people i actually respect and admire are either those with a brain, or those with a heart, preferably both. if a person has neither, then please go roll in the mud. hai~ not particularly arrowing anyone specifically, just a whole bunch of self-obsessed people who irked me to a point beyond redemption. not to mention i'm pissed off at the moment, so too bad.
once again my laogong is right. fine, laogong you are forever right, save for the time you advised me to be a cryptologist (did i get the spelling right? lolz) yar i think i emo-ing hahaha~ and yar, we all are late-bloomers sia =P laugh die. hope you enjoyed stuffing your face at jap club today XDDDDD sho sad that i didnt manage to go home with you *plants fungi in a corner and watches them sprout* T_T next week we go liang court to stuff our faces yar~ XDDDD jiayou with cloud's cross-stitch ne~ i have no idea why i'm saying this here when i'm going to see you tmr anw @@ laugh die oh well, type edi jiu forget it bah~ lazy to delete =PPP me shall go watch Akazukin Chacha~ and i shall rave bout Sebastian and Ren a lil later~ jya~~~ next post will be happier~ i promise~ hahaha
and btw, for those who cant see an elephant in front of them, i've added Arias', Peiting's and Joel (the gay)'s blogs on my link list~ go see their blogs if you're interested lolz~ wait people say i anti-social. ironically, i dun have my laogong's blog on my link list @@ oh well~ *shrugs* laugh die XDDD
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
RI + RJC = RI (Secondary)(Junior College). *facepalm*
@#%!@# haiz. for all that i say i cannot stand RI guys, looks what happens. pfffft. now i'll be graduating as an RI student!!!! *tears hair out and screams in horror* noooooo *end of the world* argh. well...i guess the only good thing ish that RG wont be joining in the merger...so at least i'm an RGS/RI student (wait, doesnt that make me sound like i'm a transversite or smt? @#$!) rather than an RI student through and through. oh well...you should have heard the curses from my more...feminist (?) friends lolz. cant say i'm too happy bout the news, especially since they're naming the merged institution RI, but seriously it doesnt really affect the lot of us...*shrugs* i think.
Friday, October 03, 2008
retail therapy works.
well of course it does, if not why would the shops and boutiques all over the island be making all the moolah? lolz, fortunately or unfortunately, i am guilty of it. using shopping to de-stress that is. =P well yar, not jus retail therapy, i think reading helps to alleviate stress too. interestingly, i havent picked up a single manga since promos ended (actually i haven't read manga way before promos started), neither have i watched anime or played psp/ps2 games. no~ i have once again regained my status as a bookworm. haha. i managed to fly through 3 books in a day @@ a feat that i havent done since my primary school days lolz. one on Chinese history, one Redwall and one Agatha Christie book. lolz~
anw yupps, back to retail therapy. now i post yet another tribute to my dear laogong~ haha. she, the almighty nice one, stayed to shop wt me~ sho nice right~~~ mind you, even my mum gave up shopping with me coz i'm so damn picky lolz. anw yar, we walked from erm...Ngee Ann City to Far East? lolz~ at first i was looking for a bag. after grueling hours of choosing, i bought a pair of shoes. and a bag yesh lolz. hahaha imagine having to stick wt my whining throughout the entire time *nods* shee me laogong ish e best~ *throws flower petals all over the place* hahah~ (too bad laogong, u blame me for being gross and soppy =P) sho yupps~~~ a tribute to my laogong who pei-ed me for the whole afternoon (though she did get her revenge by nearly killing me a few times, but that's beside the point =P) XDDDDD
and anw, retail therapy doese work. just careful that it doesnt start another round of depression when you look at your now-empty wallet or bank account after you're done with it. XD
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Granado Espada in...RI $%^#$
laugh die. i have to post this rant. as i was queuing up for drinks during lunch at RI (we went to the RI canteen for lunch), i overheard this conversation: (note imagine two ah beng RI xiao di di talking kay =P)
A: eh you know arh, there are many F2P games out there leh, wah lao why you dont try some? free one jus play lah man, if not free for wad sia.
B: aiyar, free games i also dunno wad to play, so many leh, scarly load all onto my comp my comp hang die.
A: aiyar, tell you lah, go try this game, GRANADO ESPADA lah, this game arh, ownage i tell you, went from F2P to P2P then F2P again leh! imba lah.
B: huh, wad F2P P2P? wah lao, so many short-forms for wad?
A: u noob arh, F2P means free to play lah, P2P means pay to play lah toots. aiya neway lah, jus go play lah, tell you arh, u so noob better go on the non-PK server first lah, wait go in only die i will laugh arh
B: wah lao wad the eff is PK-server lah.....*voice trails off*
laugh die. seriously, i died when i heard that convo. firstly, it's bout GE, and hearing RI guys talk bout GE is just like hearing your little sis talk about Maple. i dunno, it jus cracks me up. to think i'd hear GE after such a long time, and in RI of all places lolz. i kept laughing non-stop for the rest of lunch. oh well, that was funny (actually not very funny, but i jus found it highly amusing) best thing is that both of them sound like noobs, especially with their beng tone in the way they speak. somemore A dude kept stressing the highlighted words like he damn pro lolz. must be a freshie gamer =P RI xiao di di is indeed RI xiao di di. quote from Khis, they look small enough to be kicked around =P *continues to laugh die*
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Arigatou~ (Kyou Kara Maou!)
XDDDD sung by BON'z one of of the nicest songs in the Kyou Kara Maou! Soundtrack haha, i'd say it's easily the nicest XDDDD *other than Conrad's character song* =P biased cannot issit =PP
Song Title: Arigatou~
by: BON'z
"Arigatou" wo kanade kanade Tooku hanareta to shite mo...
Kaze ni fukarenagara aruite ikikau Hitogomi no naka de
Yasashii kimi ni koko de deaeta ... "Hanaretakunai yo"
Sabishii yoru mo kimi ga ita ne
Yakusoku suru yo "TSUYOKU NARU KARA"
Tsunaida kokoro wa hitotsu dakara
Bokutachi wa toberun da
"Arigatou" wo kanade kanade Tooku hanareta to shite mo
"Sayonara" to te wo futte Mata koko de aimashou
Hitotsu hitotsu kono omoi wo ima Kanaeru koto ga dekitara
Kitto tsuyoi boku ni nareru kara Waratte kimi ni aeru yo
Hitori hitori de mawaru sekai wa
Shinjiru koto sae kowaku naru kedo
Ano hi kureta kimi no kotoba ga
Tobidatsu boku no hane ni naru kara
"Arigatou" wo kanade kanade Tsunagu te wa nai kedo
"Arigatou" hibike hibike Kono uta kimi e todoke
"Arigatou" wo kanade kanade Tooku hanareta to shite mo
"Sayonara" to te wo futte Mata koko de aimashou
"Sayonara" to te wo futte Mata koko de aimashou
...Mata kimi ni aitai...
English Translation:
Playing "thank you" again and again, Even though we're far apart...
Walking while blown by the wind,
Among the crowd that's coming and going
I met you here ... "I don't want to be parted"
Even in the lonely nights, you were here,
I'll promise "because I will become strong"
Our joined hearts are one, So we can fly
Playing "thank you" again and again, Even though we're far apart
Waving hands "goodbye", Let's meet here again
One by one, If I could grant these thoughts right now
I would surely become a stronger me,
And be able to meet you with a smile
One by one, Even believing that the world revolves is scary
The words you said to me that day
Will become my wings as I fly
Playing "thank you" again and again,
even though I'm not holding anyone's hand
Echoing "thank you" again and again,
so that this song will reach you
Playing "thank you" again and again,
Even though we're far apart Waving hands "goodbye",
Let's meet here again Waving hands "goodbye",
Let's meet here again ...I want to meet you again...
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Hateshinaku Tooi Sora ni (Kyou Kara Maou!)
lolz, i'm a nut. =P these two songs have been my favourite songs for so long, and yet i havent posted their lyrics up yet laugh die. anw, Hateshinaku Tooi Sora ni ish a more...hyper, happy, jumpy song XDDDD Arigatou ish more...touching in a way XDDDD sho yupps, enjoy~ XDDDDD Arigatou will be posted in the next post~ XDDDDDD
"Arigatou" no kimochi dake
Todoku you ni ryoute hirogete warau
Chiisakute kowaresou na
Inochi no kakera wo kimi mo boku mo
Hitotsu-zutsu motte iru
Shinjitsu no hikari wa
Akarusa wo mashite iku
Yami wa kiesari
Kimi no kokoro ga mirai wo terasu
Hitotsu yakusoku shiyou
Boku wa koko de ikiteru
Aru ga mama de ii
Mitsumeyou masshiro na iro
Omoi wa yagate itsuka
Unmei ni tadoritsuki
Kagirinai tsuyosa
Mitsukerun da
Shinjitsu wo motomerun da
Kanashimi ni uchihishigareta to shite mo
Makesou na yoru de mo
Shoudou wa shizuka na
Toki no naka de umarete
Kakugo wo kimeta
Kimi no kokoro wa subete wo kaeru
Hitotsu yakusoku shiyou
Boku wa koko de ikiteru
Aru ga mama de ii
Mitsumeyou masshiro na iro
Omoi wa yagate itsuka
Unmei ni tadoritsuki
Kagirinai tsuyosa
Mitsukerun da
Hateshinaku tooi sora ni
English Translation:
In the endlessly far sky, there's only the feeling of "thank you"
As if reaching out, I'll spread my hands and laugh
Little and fragile pieces of life, you and I
Are holding them one by one
The light of truth will increase the brightness
Wiping away darkness, your heart will illuminate the future
Let's promise one thing, I'm alive here
It's great to still be so; a pure white color that seems to glare
Before long, my thoughts will someday arrive at my destiny
And find a limitless strength
I seek for the truth, even if I get battered by sadness
Even on a night in which all seems lost
Impulses are born within the quiet times
Your determined heart will change everything
Let's promise one thing, I'm alive here
It's great to still be so; a pure white color that seems to glare
Before long, my thoughts will someday arrive at my destiny
And find a limitless strength
In the endlessly far sky
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
lolz, someone's so going to laugh at the new colour combination. *prepares earplus* =P
oh well, haha not much changes lah, just that i switched to the new template, so my tag board ish gone~ haha, if you still want to tag, jus click on the link bah. it's become more of a pop out tag board. haha.
hmm added some useless stuff, changed the layout for the archives, changed the colours...and that's about it. laugh die. kay lah, considered revamped lah =P
Saturday, August 30, 2008
another wormy day
rawr. freaking worm and insects. today was a rainy day for pesta again. pfft. halfway through the competition, the skies opened the floodgates on us. dang. it rained for more than 45 mins can. and it was heavy rain. zzzz. wtf. the entire field i was standing on was practically flooding. i was just wondering if i should shift to another spot just in case the worms decide to use me as a dry island for shelter... just as i was thinking back on the earthworm incident that just happened two three days ago, one of the archers suddenly pointed to my shoe with a shocked expression.
i looked down. and screamed.
argh, there was a centipede climbing on my shoe!!! rawr. lolz. yeah, i practically deafened all the people who were hiding in the tent. laugh die. but seriously it was gross. the entire field was overcrawling with centipedes *shudders* argh. well, not to mention that the rain made the field so muddy, it was like walking on sludge. urgh. yeah...lucky i have more than one pair of shoes, lolz. but no diff anw, coz tomorrow will rain. i bet all my money on that. it will rain tomorrow! laugh die. yar, sho there goes 2 pairs of shoes. lucky it's e sept hols. o~~~hohoho. kks, i go study edi. chiaoz~
flowers, are for cleansing the soul
laugh die. sorry, i was trying to quote from Gwendal, and failed horribly. pffft. yar, folding roses surprisingly...feels very stress-relieving. laugh die. *shrugs* the next you're going to see me write is..."puppets are for cleansing the soul" pffft. yupps anw, just ranting coz i'm up at 6 plus on a saturday and i cant get back to sleep. *bloodshot eyes shoot out behind a veil of hair* jus kidding lolz. hmm maybe i shldnt phrase it that way...kinda scary now that it's e chinese 7th month huh. *shudders*
haha since i just realised that my laogong still reads my blog, i shall post a nice dedication to her here. =P laogong worh~~~ *feels goosebumps rising on your skin* haha thanks for bringing me down to Arab street and Bras Besar (sp?) worh~ haahaha you know ur laopo will end up in JB if you didnt bring me there right? lolz sho sweet of you worh~ i'm sho treating you to lunch sometime =P haha *stuffs mochi into mouth to prevent objections* hahaha somemore i wasted your one day worth of time worh, when you could have been sleeping at home *faces wall to repent* rawr. so that's that hahahhaha i'm treating you =P *stuffs more mochi in mouth* thank you nya~ XDDDDD and as promised haha i'll post those "unglam" shots on facebook. laugh die. and jiayou for promos mugging worh~ *huggles* eh i ish no les can, i ish gay. laugh die. haha at least people don't know your identity worh lolz. if not there goes your reputation. wait, you had a reputation to begin with? *runs off* hahahha see you in school nya~ XDDDDD
sho yepps. haha, i ish have a nice laogong. jealous issit =P laugh die.
*rummages through brain for post material* hmm not much i have to say, since it's only been a short time since i last posted...hmm...oh yar anyone who wants fluffy stuff (eg. furry stuff) can ask me to make worh. i've got 3m worth of fur. and i dont think i'll even use up half of it. #$%#%pw$%^## lolz. sho yar, anyone who wants furry armguards (watever for?) or furry handphone pouches etc etc. just ask nicely yar. haha, i may not charge you for it. *laugh die* but dont ask the impossible and request for a sweater lah hor. i'll wallop you. lolz. hai~ jya~ nth more for me to say hahaha, so i shant continue with an empty brain. =P
off to mug for promos~ jya ne! good luck to all who are mugging, if you are mugging in the first place. XDDDDD
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
a wormy day
argh. just the title alone gives me the goosebumps. pfffft. maybe i should recount the events of the whole day. lol.
kay lah, the early morning was great. basically coz i woke up early. so no rush. jus stroll around and yeah. happy! haha. lessons were okay too, i could do e questions blah blah. lunch was fun, food at RI was good. chem test was bad, coz i fell asleep lolz. seriously, lecture tests are badddd coz i always fall asleep during lecture tests. pffft. kay lah, then school ended. and the bad luck began. *cues sound of impending doom*
well, it was pouring, not that it should matter since there's a covered walkway behind the school that leads to a bus-stop. so i took that walkway, just like many others would have. well, only my shoes got wet, coz Singapore just floods, walkways are forever flooded. pffft. the next thing i knew, a taxi (comfort cab by the way) ZOOMED by, on the LEFT bloody lane. and guess wad. since Singapore's always flooded (so are the roads) the water in the puddle splashed up. hola. and who was walking on the pavement? me. hola. #$%@#$ and you know wad? that happened. three. bloody. times. *censors swear word* so wad was the point of me walking on the sheltered walkway? i could just have walked in the rain and there wont be a diff. pfffft. that's not all kay. in the half an hour i stood at that bus-stop waiting. many other people walked the same way. but NONE. grab this. NONE of them had e same thing happening to them. wtf. lolz. i know you're laughing. *smacks* pffft. i guess this is called bad luck lah. *shrugs* but that's just the start of it.
coz it was raining so heavily when i reached yishun, i decided to eat my lunch at sunplaza instead, and wait out the rain. lol. after lunch the skies cleared quite nicely, so i walked home from sunplaza, cutting through the estate that i usually walk through XD cause the rain just ended, the way home was nice and quiet, actually i was the only person walking through. laugh die. sho very nice to emo worh. hahahahahha. the worst thing. was when i crossed the road. the big big road after the big field. the whole pavement, was as usual. flooded. so i stared abit harder to figure out if there're any dry bumps i can step on, cause seriously, my feet were starting to bloat in my shoes after being soaked for like 2 hours. the gross part comes now. when i stared at the flooded pavement, something in the water moved. MOVED okay. then more and more started MOVING. bloody hell the ENTIRE PAVEMENT WAS SWIMMING WITH EARTHWORMS! *censors out string of curse words* my freaking goodness! i swear those earthworms were longer than my ruler can. *shudders* the entire stretch of pavement was literally swimming with earthworms, cause their field was flooded, so they swam out onto the flooded pavement. and they were huge. and bleached. i guess coz they've been soaking in the water for too long. but there were so many of them, i really couldn't bring myself to walk on that pavement coz i know i'd step on some of them. freaking gross. pffft.
so guess what, i crossed back to the other side of the road and walked along that pavement. then arh. when i was walking arh, i looked down. and saw something next to my shoe move. damn it. i looked a little further. the freaking entire pavement was swimming. with. baby. earthworms. *censors string of curse words* wtf lah. i ran back to the traffic light and just stood there. lolz. one side of the road, giant daddy-mummy earthworms. the other side of the road, hundreds of squirming baby earthworms. just great. where the hell do i walk? i took my chances. i ran, or literally bounced down the stretch with the baby earthworms, half-screaming as i ran along. *squirms* yucks. uber gross. zzz it still gives me goosebumps to think of how many earthworms i squashed under my shoe. urgh. freaking gross. haiz. yarr...basically that was it. *shudders*
not to mention that my phone line is still down, even though i called up the service provider, and they told me that they'll reset my line. *Shrugs* i guess i could do without at phoneline. just that whoever needs to contact me cant reach me. *shrugs* none of my business *runs off* o~~~hoho anna shall be uncontactable *gloats*
jya ne~ have fun mugging for promos ppl. we will survive! and yar, take care of your health worh. everyone's falling sick. *bites the flu bug*
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
More Photos from Thailand Princess Cup!
haha sorry lah, i know i'm lame lolz~ but these photos are nicer worh haha, just koped from Lionel's/Teresa's camera haha! of course credit for these photos go to Teresa/Lionel! XDDD haha, on to the photos~
haha, on the first day of our competition XD the whole team is here worh, except for Teresa who's taking the photo (sorry!) all up bright and sunny (no lorh, some ppl still sleeping de *points to self*)
only the girls haha! see, i still look like i'm sleeping =P seriously, if i look awake, it's coz of the colour of the shirt, i assure you. haha =P
zomg! so many bows around! someone call the security!!! *whacks head with baton* of course there're many bows...it's an archery competition for a reason...lolz
haha, we thought e bear-bear hanging off the bow stand was super cute! but it wont last a day in an outdoor competition haha. tt's why it's here at an indoor competition mah! *whacks self* zzz i'm really lame haha. anw yarrr i wanted to catch some of e more interesting bows/accessories hanging off some archers, like little "pompoms" hanging off the bow string for the traditional bow...BUT i didnt bring my camera to Thailand, and snapping picts of others discreetly...would make me a stalker right? =P so yupps haha, i'll be a stalker in Thailand Princess Cup 2010 then =P then more photos of those cute/interesting/funny stuff will be posted! till then! =P
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Milestones of Year 2008 and 2009
13th January: return to Sembawang Archery Club after 2 years (?) of hiatus. laugh die.
18th May: =P start of prep for Sembawang Open
24th & 25th May: SEMBWANG OPEN~~~
21st June: SAFRA Open (Tamp)
18th to 21st July: Thailand Princess Cup~~~
31st July: mau~running around Chinatown lolz
3rd August: =P
18th August: lolz! dgpqrm igqqs! =P cannot understand then too bad *gloats*
19th August: phototaking laugh die~
20th August: haha lunch dinner and coffee~~~ i lubbs mocha!!! Dmpr Ayllgle! XDDD haha OTL withdrawal symptoms le haha
30th August: XDDDDD
22nd September: *tears hair out*
20th May 2009: XDDDDD
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Hajimari no Kaze (Saiunkoku Monogatari)
the opening song for Saiunkoku Mongatari~ nice song, quite sweet but not too sweet...and well, it reminds you of the anime when u hear it ^^ haha as usual, jap lyrics first, followed by english translation at the bottom XDDDD
Song Title: Hajimari no Kaze
by: Hirahara Ayaka
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Itsu demo anata wo
Shinjite iru kara"
Ano toki, yume ni mite ita
Sekai ni tatte iru noni
Miwatasu keshiki ni ashi wo
Sukoshi sukumase
Dakedo ushiro furimukanaide
Aruite yuku koto kimeta kara
Miageta sora nanairo no niji
Anata mo mitemasu ka
Hajimari no kaze yo
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Yume ni kakedashita
Senaka mimamoru kara"
Omoi wo tsutaete
"Itsu demo anata wo
Shijite iru kara"
Habatake mirai e
Tatoeba, taisetsu na hito wo
Mune ni omou toki wa
Daremo ga kitto yasashii
Kao wo shiteru hazu
Michi wa toki ni hateshinakutemo
Akiramezu ni yuku yo
Hajimari no kaze yo
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Haruka na tabiji no
Sono saki de matteru"
Maiagaru kaze yo
Unmei mo koete
Negai wa todoku to
Shinjirareru kara
Itsuka mata aeta nara
Ano egao misete
Hajimari no kaze yo
Todoke messe-ji (message)
"Haruka na tabiji no
Sono saki de matteru"
Maiagaru kaze yo
Unmei mo koete
Negai wo todoku to
Shinjirareru kara
Osoreru mono nado nai
"Anata ga iru kara"
English Translation:
Wind of beginnings
Deliver this message:
"Because I will always believe in you"
That time I was standing in a world I saw in my dreams
Surveying the landscape, my legs tremble slightly
But I won't look back, because I've decided to walk forward
Looking up at the seven-coloured rainbow in the sky, do you see it too?
Wind of beginnings,
Deliver this message
"Because I will watch your back as you run towards your dreams"
Soaring wind, deliver this thought:
"Because I will always believe in you"
Fluttering towards the future
For example, when a person thinks about the one important to them
Surely they will have a kind look on their face
The road through time is endless, move forward and don't give up
Wind of beginnings
Deliver this message:
"At the end of your faraway journey, I will wait for you"
Soaring wind, exceed your destiny
Because I believe my wish will be delivered
If I meet you again someday, show me your smile
Wind of beginnings,
Deliver this message:
"At the end of your faraway journey, I will wait for you"
Soaring wind, exceed your destiny
Because I believe my wish will be delivered
There is nothing to be afraid of, "because you exist"
okaaay, the eng translations make the song sound...cheesy...pffffft =_= *mumbles* lolz but either way, it's a nice song worh haha. just that spamming it for 3 seasons non-stop is abit too much...even Kyou Kara Maou changed opening song after 2 season...haha oh well...hard to find a song that describes Saiunkoku as well as this one does bah...*shrugs* XDDD
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Genesis of Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
haha here's the english version of the song i posted two posts down. =P yesh i like it that much, cannot issit?! *bites* lolz, anw, yeah it's apparently quite a big thing in Japan, coz even the 3 kids that came for homestay recognised it (based on the fact that they DON'T know who T.M.Revolution is, for them to know and sing this song, i'm assuming that it's famous =P) if i didn't hear wrongly, one of them said that this song is played in Pachinko stores...O_o lolz. anw yupps haha, it's sung by the original singer AKINO, and i have to say, i applaud her for a wonderful job done at singing english XD you can actually make out the words worh XD lolz anw i post the song first before i KO from my cough mixture haha
oh yar the first stanza is in jap, so the translation for that is in the brackets XD
Song Title: Genesis of Aquarion
by: AKINO and bless4
Kimi ga kurikaeshi otona ni natte
Nando mo nando mo tooku e itte
Mimamoru boku ga nemurenai boku ga
Kusha kusha ni natta to shite mo
Kimi no na wo utau tame ni...
(You grow up repeatedly and
Go into the distance over and over again
Watching over you, unable to sleep, even though I became disheveled
For the sake of singing your name...)
I remember sitting with you
Underneath the tree of life
We listened to every fainted cry
Of the creatures there on the day the world began
Looking at everything that I've lost
And almost everything that I've loved
I'll hold them all tightly in my arms,
Wondering where I am, so please tell me where to go
All of the answers u seek lie hidden in the sun
If i hadn't met you my life would have been in the darkness forever
In my wings are the powers of immortality
Buy by meeting you my whole life has changed
You give light to me, hope to me, strength into my life
All this time these twelve thousand years I know AISHITERU
Eight thousand years from the time that I've met you my love grows stronger than ever before
Words can't say of this time I've been waiting to share my love with you
I'd give you my life, I would give you the world to see you smiling every day
One hundred million and two thousand years from now AISHITERU
I want you to know since u came in my life every day, every night you give light into the darkest skies
All these twelve thousand years
I've been loving you
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Tower of Druaga
now this is a first. for the first time ever...i watch a show, and go "...wtf" within the first 10min of the show. the first episode of Tower of Druaga is a complete "wtf" episode lol. at first i thought it was a joke...but a 20min long joke is taking things wayyy too far...and btw, the idea of "oh it was a dream" is just so overused, it isnt even funny anymore...
lolz i dunno how the rest of the series will turn out...but jus after the first episode...i dun feel like watching it anymore...the only reason why i'm following would be because of Ishida Akira's role in the show. and the character had better not die. or i'd curse lolz. see how bah...for now...zzz i cant stand the concept. it's wayy too cheesey haha...even Gundam SEED Destiny started out better than this...as much as i'd hate to say that...lol
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Sousei no Aquarion (Genesis of Aquarion)
this song is from Genesis of Aquarion, and sung by AKINO XD the lyrics and translation are below~~~ it's quite a romantic (?) song lolz, i personally find it touching for some reason or so =P cannot issit? lolz somehow it feels a little emo here and there too haha XD as usual, translations are below =P
Song Title: Sousei no Aquarion
Sekai no hajimari no hi
Inochi no ki no shita de
Kujiratachi no koe no tooi zankyou
Futari de kiita
Nakushita mono subete
Aishita mono subete
Kono te ni dakishimete
Ima wa doko wo samayoi iku no
Kotae no hisomu kohaku no taiyou
Deawanakereba Satsuriku no tenshi de irareta
Fushi naru matataki motsu tamashii
Kizutsukanaide Boku no hane
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nissen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi wo shitta sono ni kara boku no chigoku ni ongaku wa taenai
Sekai wa owaru mae ni
Inochi ga owaru nae ni
Nemuru nageki hodoite
Kimi no kaori dakishimetai yo
Mimi sumaseta wadatsumi no kioku
Shitsui ni nomare tachitsukusu uruwashiki tsuki
Yomigaere towa ni karenu hikari
Yogawarenaide kimi no yume inori yadoshi nagara umarete kita
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nisen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi wo shitta sono hi kara boku no chigoku ni ongaku wa taenai
Kimi ga kurikaeshi otona ni natte
Nando mo nando mo tooku e itte
Mimamoru boku ga nemurenai boku ga
Kusha kusha ni natta to shite mo
Kimi no na wo utau tame ni...
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nisen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi no shitta sono hi kara
Ichiman'nen to nisen'nen mae kara AISHITERU
Hassen'nen sugita koro kara motto koishiku natta
Ichioku to nisen'nen ato mo AISHITERU
Kimi wo shitta sono hi kara boku no chigoku ni ongaku wa taenai
English Translation:
On the day the world began
Under the tree of life
The two of us heard
The faraway echoes of the whales' voices
All the things that I lost
All the things that I loved
Embracing them in this hand
Where will I wander to now?
The amber sun in which the answer lurks
If we hadn't met
I would have remained an angel of massacre
A soul that holds the sparkle of immortality
Don't hurt my wings
I was born to know this feeling
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you, music won't cease in this hell of mine
Before the world ends
Before life ends
I want to undo this sleeping grief
And embrace your scent
Memories of the sea god, which i carefully listened to
The beautiful moon, swallowed by despair and standing still
Arise, light that dried up in eternity
Don't get soiled
Your dreams
I was born while dwelling in a prayer
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you, music won't cease in this hell of mine
You grow up repeatedly and
Go into the distance over and over again
Watching over you, unable to sleep, even though I became disheveled
For the sake of singing your name...
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you
I've loved you since ten thousand and two thousand years ago
I grew to love you more in the days when eight thousands years have passed
I'll still love you after one hundred million and two thousand years
From that day I knew you, music won't cease in this hell of mine
haha pretty sweet in my opinion, which is why i've been spamming this song non-stop for the past few days haha XD the english version of it is rather sweet too, though the lyrics follow the jap meaning quite well haha. i'll post the english version in another post bah lol this one's a bit too long already XD
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Photos from Thailand Princess Cup
kay lah, all these are taken wt my lousy handphone camera lol. the next batch of photos shld be alot nicer, since they're taken with a proper camera haha. but that will have to wait till i grab em from Lionel or something haha. till then, bear with these! XD
haha here's where the competition was held XD Island Hall in Island Shopping Mall lolz that box there is the paintball event haha. i'll post more picts bout this later bah XD
the guy on the poster is Jack haha. poster boy for the event XD his posters were like everywhere hahaha. but he's imba kay, got near perfect score for one of the rounds haha. XD a particular SAC member crushes him worh *coughWinniecough* XD
hahahah so coincidentally, the seats at the competition venue...were the same colour as our club t-shirt! XDDD same shade as the new shirt somemore lolz~ that really cracked me up hahaha. XD seeing the whole venue same colour as ur club...is a good thing XD
XDDDD Winnie won first prize for the University Class XDDDD gratz to her~~~
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
a whole chunk of updates all at once XD
lolz kks i was supposed to have updated a long time ago, seeing my drafts date as far back as Sembawang Open...lol. updates first bout the Thailand Princess Cup XD photos will be in the next post lol
Thailand Princess Cup (18th July to 21st July 2008)
lolz~the shopping mall i'm at reminds me of Vivocity back in Singapore haha. it has like everything...from stuff that are real bargains to stuff that are as costly as they are in Singapore. but one thing that is forever cheaper over here is their...FOOD!!! oh food glorious food over here! haha, i havent eaten a single thing that tastes bad yet lol. i think Thailand is better suited to be called food city or smt along those lines...everything tastes good can lol. think i pretty much stuffed myself full here haha. if i return with a few more layers around my middle you can probably guess why lolz~~~
lolz~ too bad this trip is so short haha~ there're so many things to see around here...OTL oh well~~~ i'll make sure i come for the Thailand Princess Open 2010 hahah XDDDD then i'll stay longer and say more about this place haha!
the ONLY grouse i have with Thailand is that everyone speaks in Thai...OTL i cant understand a single word of wat they're saying and they cant understand a single word i'm saying...it can get on the nerves at times haha...
-End Post-
Sunday, May 18, 2008
time to hyper~~~
^^ now that i'm out of my emo mode~~~ it's back to my hyper mode =P
lolz, not really hyper hyper, just that there's so much stuff to do~ i wont be able to finish it all in normal mode XDDD
jus a side comment, i went to climb mount faber yesterday, it was...fun...and erm...to whoever's going (for wad reason i dun want to noe) pls bring a hat along...and a portable air-con if u can...it's effing stuffy in there @@ and well, i wasnt exactly dressed for that kinda workout so...lmao be smart kay, it's like a short trek thru pulau ubin when u're not prepared =P surprisingly the steps were relatively steep, tho the trail was...luxurious compared to those we see in pulau ubin ^^ but i'd rather go ubin...more fun mah =P ooo and i took some nice photos of flowers XD shall post em later...when i feel like it =P ...kks back to the hyper part of it ^^
well~ first up is GP Common Test. *bleahz* that one pia can already lah... also dunno whether it's counted anot ==||| some ppl say yesh, counted; some ppl say no, not counted...wah the heck lah.
then would be the Sembawang Archery Open. yay~~~ spent my aftnn today spray-painting lines on the field. okay lah, mainly i was having fun ^^ so not that bad =P jus tt i darkened by about one colour tone liao lolz. think i'll darken by like 3 tones after all the competitions @@ start at 8am (i'll be down by like 7 i think) and end at 5pm earliest lolz...i'll become a roast duck =P *quack* let's see, with the number of competitions lined up, i think i'll be black by the end of june lolx.
ooo then after that, we have the faction outing!!! lolz~ looking forward to that~ coz we're meeting up with AOT ppl!!! ^^*V* shld be tons of fun bah =P
not to mention that taicho would be returning to sg!!! *throws confetti* aaa, can get to pounce on her soon ^^*V* which reminds me tt i'll have to prac the hare hare yukai dance...O.o
not to forget pw...but tt's another story =P oh well~ june promises to be tons of fun! and a lot more work (OTL) ah wadever lah! u dun see me around in june, i'm most likely at archery or smt =P either tt or i've eloped wt my laogong and taicho =P *o~~~~hohohohohohoho*
hmmm, my posts are getting weirder and weirder each time...man, i wont be surprised if someone reports me to the Institute of Mental Health @@ lolx. random comment: dang! i wan a new piano!!! *mumbles*
one last random comment: bishies PWN! i dun care if they look feminine or wad, they can pwn with their pretty faces and therefore they pwn! =P i cant really update on anime/manga, coz i'm falling way behind myself...so (OTL) *sobs* i'll update some other time =P
jya for now, and maybe till the end of june or smt...see if i got mood/time/energy to post anot XD
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
time to emo
lol...this post meant to be emo, but start with a "lol" abit the...okay fwine. think i'm going mad liao ^^ soon to reach my mental limit le bah~ but hor~ thanks to people around me who are so darn nice~ that limit break is moving further away lah hor XDDDDD so shino is not yet a menace to public health. yet ^^
lolz jus found it so darn interesting that one moment, i'm dealing with people who are so darn nice you feel bad for being in a bad mood around them, then the very next moment, i'm dealing with people who are so darn evil you feel sorry for yourself if you're nice to them. lolz! sounds kinda schizo doesnt it? =P well then, if i turn schizo, it's probably no surprise bah XD try switching between these chats and you find urself a little lost in the maze XD so i decided to flush myself down the toilet bowl ^^ will probably end up in a puddle of crap and such, but i guess that isnt so bad after all XD hmm...think whoever reads this post will probably think i'm some nutcase bah lolx.
oh vell~ i probably shldnt go on bah, coz i'd end up bitching, which wont be pretty to read =P sho yeah~ thanks to all those who helped ^^ lubbs u all lots~~~ *tosses flowers everywhere*
note: winged, dont be alarmed XD i'm high on coffee and insomnia =P *runs far far away*
one last thing~ REN TSURUGA PWNS~ and so does Aoshi-sama~ and Rimudo-sama, and and and...all the bishies~ ^^ i'll whack anyone who insults them ^^ *readies metal paddle* =P
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Songs from Kyou Kara Maou OST
too bad they didnt have a song for Morgif (>.<) hmm back to the point, the songs are really quite suited for the characters~ Conrad's theme song, Eternal Ring, has this really...longing feel to it...u can almost, almost, imagine him plucking petals off a rose as he sings it lmao. i want him to sing it to meeeeee~~~~ *goes into hyper fangirl mode* lol translated lyrics are below ^^
Even if apart, we are connected
The friendship and deep love are
A prayer called a necklace
Resembles an eternal ring
The day we fought
The fire was burning
Until everything was burnt down
Seemingly trying to emulate my powers
With the same tears
In my heart I collected,
I wanted to extinguish that fire
Even if I was forbidden to shed a tear
The transparent blue star is
Shining the light upon our path
Even now next to me, to this heart as well
The thought continues to live within me
Crossing the time, changing its shape
The strife never seems to end
In order to end the mistakes
Is power, truly what we need?
(repeat chorus)
Blown in the wind,
At the dry town
I was able to find the one to protect
I believe that is what is called happiness
With clear eyes,
You laughed once again
Being blessed, I was born
Every life is special
With the extended finger,
A miracle please purify the world with dreams
Entrusted with the wishes from the past
Let's light the fire of peace
Crossing the time, each time I'm called
I raise my eyes and fix my collar
I wonder what you call that voice
The me now, that moves onwards
(repeat chorus)
ohoh, and Vandarvia, the island where Morgif was hidden...has its own song! lmao. sung by Yozak! so more or less u can predict...^^ the lyrics are hilarious...i shall try to translate as closely as possible...WHEN i have the time lol (yay! translated lyrics are below)
Song Title: Vandarvia no Ondo
If you fall in love with a girl from the island
Volcano of Vanda will also erupt massively
She says can't cross the ocean with you
To the sky we look up is the same old moon
Van van Vandarvia island of dreams
Once you come you'll never ever forget
If the girl from the island cries
Vanda will splash waves on its shore
Having to pass the ridges of love
Overlooking in the ocean is the reflection of the moon
Van van Vandarvia island of love
The second time you come you'll never be able to stay away
If the woman from the island falls in love
Vanda geysers will spray violently
You, of purity, is a traveler
A shooting star of freedom and willfulness
Van van Vandarvia island of dreams
The third time you come you'll never go back
If the young man of the island has a dream
A boat will dock at Vanda wharf
One day to that beloved brothel girl
A rainbow bridge that you're dying to show
Van van Vandarvia island of love
By the fourth time you come, you'll be captivated
If the couple of the island ties the knot
Vanda streets will be in full bloom with flowers
Happily and shyly sleeping together
Let us look up together at the same old moon
Van van Vandarvia, a treasure island
Let us dance with the feeling of having a dream
and it seems to be a tradition for Anime to have a song in their OST called Yakusoku huh. lolz~ this Yakusoku of Kyou Kara Maou, promises an OVA! lolz. literally...though wat Yuuri says at the end of the song is really heart-warming...awww ^^
If wishes were to come true
We want to stay by your side,
Wherever you may go
Even if we aren't staring at each other
Let's always gaze at the same thing
Even though we can't say it or sing it right now
One day, they'll come a time when we'll meet again
See you around next time, a short promise(*)
The air of love seeps into our chest
Warming each others hearts that's how we’ll live on
The small thoughtfulness sows the seed of happiness
Bit by bit it spreads surrounding us with a forest of happiness!
Even just by meeting someone similar
Makes you like the town and the people too
See you again always, a short promise(*)
That's why, we’ve kept it important
Breathing in the air of love that's how we’ll live on
When you find a little of tomorrow, the hope and the peace and the happiness
The first person you’ll want to tell is the person that you love
See you around next time a short promise(*)
Embracing each and every one
The air of love seeps into our chest
Warming each others hearts let us come closer to each other
See you again always, a short promise(*)
That's why, we’ve kept it important
Just believing that you can become stronger
Breathing in the air of love
That's how we stubbornly live on
(Spoken by Yuuri)
I know there's no such thing as a
“Forever” in this world
That's why
We'll make a promise
Let's hook our little fingers
To swear to meeting again
Then, you see
It warms up your heart
It becomes lighter
It should make you believe that we're connected
Don't worry
If there isn't a “forever”
Then we won't be separated forever
We'll meet again some day
Let's meet again with a smile
When that time comes, I too will
Greet everyone with a big smile and say that
"I'm home."
(End of spoken portion)
Throughout the world, see
A promise made
Don't get lost anymore come over here
suggestion from guuu-sensei: a promise that would soon be fulfilled ^^
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
The Seiyuu Cast of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
well, since my laogong wants it~ i'll post the seiyuu cast of Crisis Core seiyuus (Jap version of course ^^) format adopted will be the same as the one i did for Saiunkoku. name of character in Crisis Core, followed by other characters from other anime which i noe of ^^
1. Professor Hojo: Anderson (Hellsing), Matsudo Heisuke (Kekkaishi), Hans Axel von Fersen (The Rose of Versailles), Shinguji Kazuma (Sakura Wars)
2. Genesis: Sho (Moon Child *movie*) laogong...u noe who this is right? GACKT!!! kya~~~
3. Tseng: Seymour Guado (Final Fantasy X *PS2*), Nobuto Nakajō (Bus Gamer), Kojima Yoshiyuki (Chobits), Archer (Fate/Stay Night), Greed (Full Metal Alchemist), Kannei Kouha (Koutetsu Sangokushi), Sting Oakley (Gundam SEED Destiny), Maitake Kuniumi (Lovely Complex), Kyosuke Takakura (NANA),Yoshida Toshimaro (Peacemaker), Atobe Keigo (Prince of Tennis), Sa Soujun (Saiunkoku Monogatari), Cain Nightroad (Trinity Blood), Akatsuki Kain (Vampire Knight), Fuuma Monou (X)
4. Aerith Gainsabourgh: Jeanne d'Arc (Jeanne d'Arc *PSP*), Takada Kiyomi
(DeathNote), Lunamaria Hawke (Gundam SEED Destiny), Rip van Winkle (Hellsing), Fujioka Haruhi (Ouran Koukou Host Club), Tomoyo (Tsubasa)
5. Zack Fair: Gippel (FFX-2), Tenjou Night (Zettai Kareshi Drama CD), Mishiba Toki (Bus Gamer), Lavi (D-Gray Man *O.O!!!*), Taki Shunsuke (Gakuen Heaven), Shinn Asuka (Gundam SEED Destiny), Isumi Shinichirou (Hikaru no Go), Hitachiin Hikaru (Ouran Koukou Host Club), Suzaku (Shounen Onmyoji), Narumi Ayumu (Spiral), Dietrich von Lohengrin (Trinity Blood), Tohno Shiki (Tsukihime), Shirou Kamui (X)
6. Sephiroth: Yoshitsune Miyamoto (Appleseed), Kurosaki Isshin (Bleach), Tyki Mikk (D-Gray Man), Seiichiro Tatsumi (Yami no Matsuei), Naraku (Inu Yasha), Weller CONRAD (Kyou Kara Maou! *kyaaaaaa*), Ichinose Takumi (NANA), Kimimaro (Naruto), Gale Glory (RAVE Groove Adventure), Aoki Seiichiro (X)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Crisis Core and Skip Beat 18 reviews
well, once again, Skip Beat! has left me speechless with the progression of the storyline in book 18. lolz! i shall state this once again...NAKAMURA-SENSEI OWNS! lolz! well, for the benefit of Taicho, i shall review Crisis Core first, wait later u accuse me of spoilers =x lolz~~~
now, on to Crisis Core! XD this is arguably the first Final Fantasy game that i've fallen for so badly =x well, Final Fantasy X/X2 kept me busy for jus a while, but i never really liked them...(mainly coz the main character is...a girl?) lolz~ also, i had a major grudge against turn-based RPGs then, coz they jus took darn long to conclude =x (sorry to all turn-based fans out there...). now that Crisis Core utilizes real-time battle system, and the fact that it bears resemblance to Star Ocean, it rocks! lolz! the gameplay is addictive, the main character is cute and the fact that his eng voice actor is bearable makes the game a great one ^^ not forgetting the appearance of many familiar FFVII faces and bishies, this game does deserve it's 9.5/10 rating XD
the only grievance i have with Crisis Core is this. now, tell me, do the protagonists of RPGs die? no they don't. Cloud doesnt die, Tidus doesnt die, Yuuna doesnt die, heck, even Fayt from Star Ocean, Chris/Hugo/Geddoe from Suikoden and most of the RPG main characters i noe of DONT die...even in Anime and Manga, the main character is usually left with a few minor scratches etc...so why in the world did Zack die...*tears hair out* pffft. he died to save Cloud...zzz... well, not that it's a surprise, seeing as he appeared only as a phantom throughout the rest of the FFVII compilation series...but then again...it feels so...unfair that he has to die, especially during the game itself, in which he turns out to be a rather cute character who matures over time >< wad a waste...pffffft. and to think he was killed by low ranked-unskilled-useless-unknown Shinra soldiers...*mumbles in a corner* now, on to the review of Skip Beat 18! taicho, time to look away ^^
well, it is revealed that the guy Kyoko's been sent to look over is Ren's DAD! zomg. bishie father, uber bishie son!!! lolz! the guys is unbelievably young-looking...his son is already 20, and he still looks 20 himself =X lolz! Nakamura-sensei has a thing for old guys looking young (refer to Tokyo Crazy Paradise). come to think of it...Ren looks...older than his dad...*raises eyebrows* lolz...the only thing about book 18 is that it centers around Kyoko's interaction with Ren's dad (still dunno his name) and hence limiting the screen time Ren and Sho have (T_T). although for Sho, he has this reaaaaaaaaaaaally bishie picture...that's worth looking at over and over and over and over again ^^ he has obviously improved from his past image...now he looks more like an angel...*stares at picture* whatever happened to his bad-boy image?! lolz! well, overall comments for the book. 1. Sho is prettier now. 2. Kyoko's becoming cuter. 3. Ren's dad is enuf bishie power for one book, so Ren can take a break for now. (for now and now only) =x 4. a little too wordy, but well, it goes to show that Skip Beat isnt ur regular shallow romance manga. XD 5. Ren's dad is darn cute ^^
and that's all for now...lolz i cant really give a good review at this point, mainly coz i'm still swimming in my fangirlness over Skip Beat ^^ chao~