Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reflections from N.Emation...

that is the lampshade on my taicho's table. yeah. i know. i pity it too...see the label? BAKA. yesh. don't you think there's some eerie, uncanny resemblance to the real person? hmmm.... nvm then, at least my taicho is represented by her 'jellyfish' (i think it looks like a jellyfish) lampshade puppet. sorry taicho, couldn't find a picture without your face, though i'm sure you won't mind seeing your face published on my blog. you may even get fangirls. ohohohoho...

yeah. that idiot stuck on the wall happens to be me, sad to say. someone actually walked past us when we did this photoshoot. yupps, you can pretty much guess the expression on the person's face. hah. this looks like some murder victim for some morbid reason...too much Kindaichi already. heh...yeshhh..

first a monstrous lampshade, next a murder victim, and now, *gasp* SUPERNATURAL occurences. O.O nah lah, these are just reflections off a metal pillar. the one on top is me alone, first to realise the wonder of taking a photo without my face being seen. the one below that is me and my fukutaicho, also Wolfram and well yeah...many other roles as 'gay partners' hoho. how fun. i think it's our what, fifth cosplay in the same costume??!! well yeah, if you're that slow, the costumes we were wearing are from Bleach. i don't think you're THAT slow are you?

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